Q –How many states claim that the test scores in their elementary schools are above national average?
A– 50.
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
Q –How many states claim that the test scores in their elementary schools are above national average?
A– 50.
SCOTUS Quaked Feudalists Malone Explains — The brilliant Dr. Robert Malone — who can make a strong case as the inventor of mRNA vaccines if the title was limited to but one — has an insightful explanation as to why the Supreme Court and the Constitution itself are under attack from establishment media.
Yes, there are well-paid people working for rich and long-established media outlets sowing seeds to abolish the Constitution.
The angst is inspired by Supreme Court decisions that weaken the power of the regulatory agencies. Really, it’s not about social issues. Dobbs does not make abortion illegal after all. West Virginia v. the Environmental Protection Agency, however, stops unelected bureaucrats from arbitrary imposing its will on elected representatives and private individuals
And these unelected bureaucrats and the establishment media are the loyal minions of very rich corporatists and want to create a world-wide neo- feudalism where they rule, and we work and obey.
“A Supreme Court with members committed to states’ rights doctrines, willing and able to implement measures to hobble federal regulatory agency powers, just might be able to succeed in kneecapping federal authority and bringing the hounds of the Administrative State back under control,” Malone says.
“Maybe. If we are lucky.”
And that’s why they hate Donald Trump so much. They thought he was one of theirs but he turned out to be one of ours.
Read Dr. Malone’s column here.
Sheriffs And Amendments On Agenda For This Months Constitutional Webinar –This month’s free webinar regarding the Pennsylvania Constitution is 7-9 p.m., Friday, July 15.
The agenda as per teacher Bill Reil is how it is the sheriff — not the district attorney — who is the chief law enforcement officer of a county; five proposed constitutional amendments including SB 106; and an up-date regarding the disastrous Act 77 of 2019 which allows unlimited mail-in voting and shamelessly contradicts the wording of the state constitution.
Also proposed solutions to reclaim our constitutional republican form of government will be discussed.
We must remember that those that signed our Declaration of Independence had a trust and faith in almighty God that upon this declaration to the world that the colony/states would separate from the most powerful nation of the time,” says event organizer Bill Denison.
To participate in the meeting visit https://meet.goto.com/779323301 or call +1 (312) 757-3121 and use access code 779-323-301
The GoTo app can be found at https://meet.goto.com/install
Slight Indian Accent William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-12-22
Dro zoyzvo yp Qyn gkxd zkcdybc, xyd mvobqi kmdsxq vsuo lebokembkdc yb qyfobxwoxd yppsmskvc.
Zyzo Pbkxmsc
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.
Joe Biden