There is only a 1 in 7.5 chance that a burglary will be solved in the United States.
Day: July 26, 2022
Student Debt Crisis Solved
Student Debt Crisis Solved
Literal Crony Felon And Covid Response In L.A.
Literal Crony Felon And Covid Response In L.A. — America is in danger because America is run to a frightening degree by people whose priority is personal wealth and power and indifferent — if not outright hostile — to the public good.
The once great city of Los Angeles is providing the perfect example with the appointment of Carl Kemp as Chief Communications Officer in the Environmental Health Division of the LA County Department of Public Health.
Kemp had just been released from federal prison after finishing a sentence of filing a fraudulent tax return for failing to report $750,000 in “lobbying” income, including nearly $220,000 from a drug trafficking kingpin.
Kemp was hired by progressive political hack Barbara Ferrer who replaced nationally respected epidemiologist Dr. Jonathan Fielding as head of that department in 2o17. Before Ms. Ferrer, the health department avoided patronage hiring.
When the political class laughs at the law and the public is not outraged the Republic is in danger.
Hat tips and Harmeet K. Dhillon.
Literal Crony Felon And Covid Response In L.A.
Anoints himself with fragrant oils William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-26-22
Anoints himself with fragrant oils William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-26-22
Itt, mdmzgbpqvo bpib Q cvlmzabivl, Q cvlmzabivl wvtg jmkicam Q twdm.
Tmw Bwtabwg
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Even though a man anoints himself with fragrant oils, he can still wind up with a broken face.
Thomas Banacek