Domesticated pigs, marine mammals and man are the only creatures that can get sunburn. It’s the lack of fur, scales and such.
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
Domesticated pigs, marine mammals and man are the only creatures that can get sunburn. It’s the lack of fur, scales and such.
I Feel Sorry For Pfizer. Every time they release data on their vaccine injuries and studies, a major news story overshadows it. Frank Bullit
My misguided countrymen William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-28-22
Ozde eszf yzh rzgpcy esp vtyrozx zq Tdclpw? Lctdp, lyo ple mcplo, lyo wpe estyp splce mp xpccj: T htww rtgp espp esp gtypjlco zq Ylmzes esp Upkcppwtep.
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: What do you think would be my fate if my misguided countrymen were to take me prisoner?
Benedict Arnold