Crosscheck Program Addresses Duplicate Voter Registration

Crosscheck Program Addresses Duplicate Voter Registration

Kudos to Gov. Corbett and beware left-leaning college students.

Crosscheck Program Addresses Duplicate Voter RegistrationPennsylvania has joined a consortium to identify those who may be registered to vote in more than one state, reports state Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

Several years ago, a handful of Midwestern states created the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program to cross-check voter registration databases. There are 25 states now participating.

The Commonwealth will provide data for the program in January. It should have a list of potential duplicate registrations early next year.

Before the program, there was no useful method to identify duplicate registrations among states.

For information about voting in Pennsylvania visit here.

Program Addresses Duplicate Voter Registration

Did O Steal Election In Ohio?

Did O Steal Election In Ohio? — President Obama beat Republican Mitt Romney in Ohio by 166,214 votes out 5,489,028 cast last November for a 3 percent margin of victory.

Well it turns out that one out of every five — or 20 percent for public school grads — registered Ohio voter is ineligible to vote.

Now some could say that is just innocent sloppiness and these people never came out to vote anyone.

Or some could say that was a pretty strong sign that the Democrats stole the election in Ohio.

BTW, Ohio Secretary of State John Husted was given the cold shoulder by Attorney General Eric Holder when he sought a meeting to try to balance conflicting federal laws to pare down the list.

Hat tip Bryan Preston.

Did O Steal Election In Ohio?

Bring Out Your Dead Tarheel Voters

The North Carolina Board of Elections, Friday, was presented with a list of 30,000 dead persons still registered to vote.

It was compiled by the Voter Integrity Project that compiled the list using death records from the state’s Department of Public Health from 2002 to March 31 and comparing them to voter rolls.
North Carolina does not have a voter photo ID law.
We in Pennsylvania now do.
Bring Out Your Dead Tarheel Voters

Philadelphia Vote Fraud? Oh yes.

Democrat functionaries like Daylin Leach and Democrat Party propagandists like Annette John-Hall continue to attack Pennsylvania’s photo voter ID bill calling it unfair while wondering if vote fraud can ever be found.

Well, yes, oh you pursuers of banana republicdom. It can be.

Al Schmidt, party of that body’s permanent Republican minority,has unveiled a study “Voting Irregularities in Philadelphia County, 2012 Primary Election” which focused on cases in 15 of the city’s 1,687 election districts and found cases of double voting, voter impersonation, voting by non-citizens, and 23 cases of people who were unregistered to vote but nonetheless permitted to do so.

Note that this focused on just 15 out of 1,687 districts.
Note that this focused on just a primary election.
If don’t believe vote fraud happens in Philadelphia you must believe in Santa Clause.

Thank you Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-12) for Pennsylvania’s photo voter ID law. Philadelphia Vote Fraud? Oh yes.

Philadelphia Vote Fraud? Oh yes.

9.2 Percent Vote Fraud Pa.?

The Philadelphia Inquirer on Independence Day carried on its ever-less-read front page a story proclaiming “Voters Without PennDot ID: 9.2%”

It noted 750,000 registered voters in the state did not have driver’s licenses or other approved photo identification required for voting this November.
Now, some will say “That’s horrible! Three-quarters of a million people have been disenfranchised!! For Shame!
Others, however, will point out that dead people can’t drive.
Thank you again, Daryl Metcalfe.
9.2 Percent Vote Fraud Pa.?
9.2 Percent Vote Fraud Pa.?

Michelle Obama Supports Photo ID

Michelle Obama supports the use of photo ID.

At least she does for her book signings as has been revealed by
Of course, getting a book signed by the first lady is a pretty serious thing. It’s not like they are trying to vote or anything.

So Why The Fuss About Photo Voter ID?

Well the ACLU and NAACP are now suing to get Pennsylvania’s popular voter ID law overturned by the courts. They are claiming that  law violates the state constitution’s ”free and equal” elections clause and may cause people to lose their right to vote.

Why don’t they work to get everybody eligible to vote a a photo ID? It really isn’t that hard to do. It’s as easy to get a photo ID as it is to go to a polling place.
Why are the partisan Democrat groups like the ACLU and NAACP — and have no doubt that they are partisan — so against photo voter ID?
I think we know the answer.

Voter ID To Get Trial Run Today

Administration officials are reminding voters who are coming to the polls for the primary election, today, April 24, that they will be asked to present photo ID as the Department of State embarks on a “soft rollout” of the state’s new voter ID law, says State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129). 

While ID will not be required for tomorrow it will be necessary in the November general election. People who arrive at the polls in November without valid ID will have the opportunity to vote by provisional ballot and present identification within six days to the appropriate county board of elections. 

Act 18 of 2012 requires registered voters to present valid photo identification every time they appear to vote and also requires those using absentee ballots to submit proof of identification. Valid forms of identification must include a name, photo and expiration date, except when an individual presents a military identification card. A driver’s license or identification card issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), military identification cards, cards issued by an accredited Pennsylvania higher education institution and licensed long-term care facility will all be accepted.

Pa Senate OKs Voter ID, Thank You Rogers Howard

The Pennsylvania Senate, yesterday, March 7, passed HB 934 that would require voters to present identification at polling places and in applications for absentee ballots. The vote was 26-23 with all Democrats opposed along with Republicans Stewart Greenleaf of the 12th District, and Mary Jo White of the 21st District,  Jane Earll of the 49th District.
Not voting was Republican Jane Orie of the 40th District.
The bill which was introduced March 4, 2011 by Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-12) passed the state House June 23, 108-88 and had been languishing in the Senate to the dismay of Tea Party and other citizen groups.
In fact, it didn’t reach the Appropriations Committee until Dec. 14 where it stayed until Monday when it was sent to the floor with expediency.
Could the action be  coincidental with the fuss Rogers Howard, who is challenging Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi in the 9th District Primary, has raised about it?
One could think what one wants one supposes.
The bill allows for acceptance of non-photo ID such as utility bills, the casting of provisional ballots for those not having identification and allows names to merely “substantially conform” to those on the district register  rather than be an exact matches which is a good thing.
The bill now returns to the House for reconciliation.
Pa Senate OKs Voter ID, Thank You Rogers Howard
Pa Senate OKs Voter ID, Thank You Rogers Howard

Voter ID Bill Now Before Pa Senate

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives, June 23, passed, 108-88, a bill requiring most voters to present photo identification at every election.

The bill is now before the Senate.

HB 934 was introduced, March 4, by Daryl Metcalfe (R-12) and 47 co-sponsors including Steve Barrar (R) whose 160th District includes much of southwest Delaware County.

The bill requires “electors” i.e. voters to present a document issued by either the State of Pennsylvania or the United States  which has a photograph of the individual to whom the document was issued along with an expiration date.

It also requires that the name of the individual to whom the document was issued conform to the name of the individual as it appears in the district register — a point which could be an annoying surprise to many long-time voters.

The bill allows those who have a religious objection to being photographed to present a valid-without-photo driver’s license or a valid-without-photo identification card issued by the Department of Transportation. The exception appears to have been written with the Amish in mind.