Corbett Says No To 0-Care

In a move many of us were not expecting Gov. Tom Corbett has just announced  that Pennsylvania will not create a state-based insurance exchange as per the “Affordable Care” Act i.e. Obamacare.

“For two years my administration has been engaged in careful planning around the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, continually seeking guidance from the federal government,” Corbett said in a statement released this afternoon Dec. 12. “Throughout this time, we’ve asked HHS questions to help determine costs, impacts and flexibility in order to inform our decisions.
“Until this week, less than five days before the deadline for a state-based exchange decision and blueprint, we received little acknowledgement of those question. Even HHS Secretary Sebellius recently admitted on a call with governors that the regulations released a few weeks ago were not final and that more drafts are to be expected.
“. . . Therefore, I have decided not to pursue a state-based health insurance exchange at this time. It would be irresponsible to put Pennsylvania on the hook for an unknown amount of money to operate a system under rules that have not been fully written.”
Thank you Teri and Don Adams, Bob Guzzardi, Lisa Esler and Tea Partyers everywhere.

5 thoughts on “Corbett Says No To 0-Care”

  1. Thanks for all you do, Bill!

    You stay on top of the important issues of the day–reporting what most do not.

    Thanks for your updates regarding Right to Work in Michigan.

    We will be fighting for similar legislation in Harrisburg during the upcoming legislative session.

    If Michigan can do it, why can’t we?

    Looking forward to your response,
    Don Adams, Independence Hall Tea Party

  2. Much appreciated, Don.

    If Right to Work can pass in MIchigan it can pass anywhere. Here’s the ugly truth the new feudalists want to keep from being spoken: The overwhelming majority of those workers in Michigan are going to keep the money for themselves that had been automatically deducted from their paychecks without their true consent.

    This means that the lifestyles of the union leaders are going to get a bit less luxurious and the Democrat Party is going to have to work a little harder to find money.

    And the ones that continue to give to their unions voluntarily? God bless them. That’s what freedom is about.

    Apparently, too, one of the reasons why Michigan went for right to work, is that they saw that it helped Indiana’s economy. Pennsylvania’s legislators should give that some fast consideration.

    Most opponents of right to work don’t know what it is.

  3. Again, Bill, very well stated.

    With Bruce Castor waiting in the wings, perhaps Governor Corbett will feel some real pressure.

    If the Guv doesn’t move on this issue and the privatization of the Liquor Control Board, there will be much disenchantment.

    He cannot afford to lose any support heading into 2014.

    All the best, Don

  4. Yes, Corbett just like Christie said they didn’t have enough info to commit to the State-based health exchange so PA will now be part of the Federal exchange. This right to work has nothing to do with what you are talking about. It is about suppressing the Unions in the elections. They are the largest contributors and organizers for the Dems. But this is going to back lash in the next election, they have woken the giant. This isn’t relevant in PA because there isn’t as big a Union presence.

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