Should Illegal Immigrants Get a Break On College Tuition?

This article is being republished with permission of Chris Freind


By Chris Freind

“College is becoming a pipe dream for too many children, not because
they aren’t talented or willing to work hard, but because they can’t
afford it.”

That’s a true statement, as tuition costs have far outpaced
inflation. So the elected official who said this must have a clue,
right? Not a chance.

In an act that simply defies comprehension, State Representative Tony
Payton (D-179)  of Philadelphia has just unveiled a bill that “would allow
undocumented immigrant students to pay in-state tuition at any
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education school, community college
or state-related university.” (This is similar to the proposed federal
law known as the DREAM Act).

Hey Tony, nice to stick it to all the law-abiding Pennsylvania
residents who want to attend college. And who says good constituent
service is hard to find?

Why the handout to those who least deserve it? Because, as Tony
explains, “undocumented students are not eligible for federal financial
aid, (so) college is often extremely expensive and simply out of reach
for many of these students.”

Oh, the tragedy.

Of course, there is something that apparently hasn’t occurred to Tony
as to why federal financial aid — political codespeak for American
taxpayer dollars — is not available to these folks. They’re ILLEGAL. As
in, they have broken the law to get here and are breaking the law being
here. Every single thing they do hurts American citizens and throws
our nation deeper into the red.

Yet not only are we supposed to feel guilty, but if Tony has his way,
we should compensate them for their plight by sacrificing our children —
so that theirs can have an education courtesy of the taxpayers.

Let’s set the record straight with facts — not rhetoric. Illegal
immigrants depress wages and take American jobs (and please, spare us
the tired argument that “they only take the jobs Americans don’t want” —
completely false). They cost taxpayers hundreds of billions (thousands
directly out of each American family’s pocket) through healthcare costs,
education expenditures (in Pennsylvania, every illegal in our public
schools costs $15,000 per year, and that’s not including the extra money
needed for additional teachers and classrooms), prison expenses, and
yes, government services.

In the case of higher education, as addressed in Payton’s bill, it’s
important to remember that just because we are talking about state
universities, space is not unlimited. So one of two things is true: with
illegals in attendance, the college will either 1) close its doors to
new applicants after a given class is filled, thereby denying the RIGHT
of a legitimate Pennsylvania resident to attend that school, or 2) once a
classroom hits capacity, the need to hire additional professors and
expand school facilities is triggered — both expensive propositions
borne by the forgotten taxpayer.

The only saving grace is that, with Republicans in control of
Harrisburg, Payton’s bill should have no shot at passage. But that’s not
the point. The real question is how such a bill could even be
considered in the first place, and how 11 other states already passed
similar legislation.

And quite frankly, this author doesn’t know what’s worse: the fact
that a bill was introduced that empowers people to break the law, or the
almost complete silence of Payton’s colleagues and the media on such a


When you cut right down to it, Tony Payton’s bill advocates the
commission of a crime, and there isn’t any way to spin that to the
contrary. (Federal law explicitly states that aiding an illegal
immigrant is a crime.) Among other things, it would aid and abet known
lawbreakers. Period. The fact that the feds do this on a regular basis,
along with states (such as issuing driver’s licenses to known illegals)
and municipalities just rubs salt in the wound. The government should
not be above the law.

But if this debate is to advance, it is important to focus on the
core issue. And that is not whether a wall should be built (or if it is
a racist barrier), or whether amnesty is a godsend (or a sell-out deal
to the pro-illegal immigration forces).

While these are important side discussions, the only relevant point
is that when individuals attempt to circumvent a law because they don’t
like it, the entire American system of justice — the very rule of law
that keeps us civilized — breaks down. Once elected officials start
picking and choosing what laws they will follow (setting the example for
their followers to do the same), we all take a hit.

There’s no getting around the fact that Payton’s legislation overtly
mocks the law. Under his bill, eligible students would have to attend a
public or nonpublic secondary school in Pennsylvania for at least three
years (an admission that we the people have already forked over at least
$50,000 in education costs), pay state income taxes for at least three
years prior to enrollment in college (how can you pay income taxes if
you are here illegally, and how can the state abdicate its
responsibility to apprehends these known lawbreakers), and provide an
affidavit to the institution of higher education that the student will
file an application to a become a permanent resident (giving a sworn
legal document to a state entity that attests that one is here
illegally, without fear of repercussion, is just insane).

Since the illegal immigration debate lends itself to easily getting
off track, here’s the bottom line: For those who believe illegals should
have rights, change the law to accommodate them — don’t break it.
Lobby for amnesty and fight to change the definition of “illegal
immigrant,” but do not cavalierly pick and choose what laws you want to
follow because you happen to disagree with some.

That’s what they do in places like Iraq. It is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

On behalf of Rep. Payton’s real constituents, shame on you, Tony.


Should Illegal Immigrants Get a Break On College Tuition?

Islamic Rule Via Saylorsburg, Pa

Islamic Rule Via Saylorsburg, Pa
By Bob Guzzardi

Infiltrating the highest levels of the US government has never been easier. Where is the much maligned Marine Joe McCarthy who, for alleged faults did expose treason when we need him?  There were Soviet Communist agents at the highest levels in the Roosevelt and Truman Administrations – Harry Dexter White — weren’t there?

Whom should we rely on? The New York Times which exposed Soviet famine genocide against Ukrainians?

Like Edgar Allen Poe’s Purloined Letter, the crime is in plain sight.

For the historically illiterate the thing about exposing the genocide of the Ukrainians was sarcasm. The Times actually won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting that it wasn’t happening.

From American Thinker: The Muslim Brotherhood and Weiner by Eileen F. Toplansky  19 June 2011: “Couple this with the Clinton family playing a key role in promoting Fethullah Gulen who has worked assiduously to overthrow Turkey’s secular government.  Gulen, who currently resides in Pennsylvania, has told his followers that in order for “worldwide Islamic domination to succeed, every method and path is acceptable, including lying to people.”

Fethullah Gulen lives in Saylorsburg, Pa.  Only an Islamaphobic bigot could think this Turkish National  is a threat to the United States some say.

In March of this year, the FBI was investigating the more than 120 charter schools in the United States that are linked to Gulen’s movement.  These schools, funded with millions of taxpayer dollars, promote Gulen’s worldview that is both anti-Israel and anti-America.  In fact, in 2010 it was reported that Bill Gates had given almost $11 million to the Cosmos Foundation, which is a Gulen enterprise.

Moreover, one needs to question why Huma Abedin, a member of a family of devout Muslims, would ever marry a Jewish Congressman — in a ceremony officiated by Bill Clinton.  Sharia law clearly forbids Muslims from marrying non-believers, so what does this portend?

Furthermore, when Huma Abedin accompanied Hillary Clinton to the Dar El-Hekma women’s college in Saudi Arabia, where Huma’s mother is co-founder and vice dean, it was reported that  “Hillary explained that Huma holds an important and sensitive position in her office.”  Where was the scrutiny?

Why are so many at the highest levels of American government ignoring the methodology of Islamists like Gulen, who has declared that the best way to seize power is to lie in wait “with the patience of a spider” in order to “wait for people to get caught in the web”?  Is Clinton so naïve?
Thus, Huma Abedin’s position with Clinton in the State Department, as well as her marriage to Representative Tony Weiner, has given her enormous exposure to state secrets and access to the inner workings of Congress.

This would be unsettling enough if it were not also for Obama’s latest appointee.  The 44th president has just appointed Azizah al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.  Al-Hibri believes that sharia law is superior to American law.  Yet, al-Hibri is only one of the pro-sharia adherents that Obama has placed in influential positions since he became president.  Dalia Mogahed was one of the earliest appointees and as Nonie Darwish has written, “[t]he empowerment of Radical Islam under the Obama administration” is extremely disturbing.

Last year, Obama appointed two devout Muslims to Homeland Security.  Obama’s record concerning Islamic terror was alarming from the beginning of his term and it has only become more entrenched.  Congressman Keith Ellison aka Keith Hakim, who converted to Islam, is already in place in Congress.  His connections to CAIR are troubling.

Is the Weiner scandal really covering up a far more disturbing scenario whereby jihadists continue to infiltrate and influence American universities, military installations, homeland security, even local police forces, all while the press ignores the steady encroachment of these radicals who seek to overturn and destroy America?

The disgraceful indifference by the general press to Weiner’s in-laws and their connections to the Muslim Brotherhood keeps eroding America’s ability to rout those who wish to see her destroyed.

Fethullah Gulen has exhorted his followers to “move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing [their] existence until [they] reach all the power centers…until the conditions are ripe…”  Can America continue to close its eyes to this deliberate hibernation strategy of our enemies? “

Islamic Rule Via Saylorsburg, Pa

Poor Children Take Back Seat To Greedy Academics

Poor Children Take Back Seat To Greedy Academics
By Bob Guzzardi

UnitePa, an influential Tea Party organization, makes a valid point that the school choice bill SB 1 does not address the plight of those barely above the poverty line who are trapped in violent and educationally failed schools by leaving 30,000 children still trapped in them.

School choice vouchers of $5,000 as proposed by Rep. Curt Schroder’s HB 1678 and 1679 would save these children and cost $150 million if all took them.

The House Republicans, under the leadership of Majority Leader Mike Turzai and House Appropriations Chair Bill Adolph  fully  support  transferring $593 million to certain billionaire liberal Democratic tax exempt private corporations namely the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pittsburgh, Temple University and Penn State.

If this transfer of tax money was redirected from these extremely rich institutions to struggling parents via an expanded voucher program, the children would be saved and there would be money to spare.

In fact, vouchers could be offered to 60,000 children and there would still be money left to give to the rich limo liberals if so desired, although it is still not clear as why such a desire would exist.

We should ask Penn President Amy Gutmann, who is paid $1,367,000, if she deny poor and lower middle class kids an opportunity to escape violent and educationally failed schools many in Penn’s own neighborhood?

I don’t think she would be that selfish, do you?



Poor Children Take Back Seat To Greedy Academics

Honest Man Robs Bank to Get Health Care in Prison

Richard Verone, of Georgia, attempted to rob the bank for one dollar.
After handing the teller the note he sat and waited for the police
to come and arrest him. Why did he do this? Verone was 59 years old
and laid off after 17 years of working at Coca Cola with no

He was in so much pain from health injuries that he
couldn’t continue a part time job he found at a convenience store so
he no longer had health benfits. Bills were piling up and he had no
resources. His only alternative was to go to prison where he could
get a roof over his head, food, and health care.


pain was beyond the tolerance that I could accept,” he told the
Gazette. “I kind of hit a brick wall with everything.”


had no previous criminal record. He was an honest man who worked
hard and expected to be rewarded for his work. Instead he got what
many workers today are receiving, a boot to the curb. Verone
had back problems, an aching left foot, carpal tunnel syndrome (which
comes from working to much or to fast with one’s hands), and a
protrusion in his chest that was undiagnosed. He is hoping to be
examined and treated in prison and to have a lengthy sentence so he
can begin to receive social security when he is released and rebuild
his life.


kind of country are we living in where an honest man must become a
prisoner in order to receive health care so he won’t have to live
in a state of pain and suffering and become homeless? People don’t
want that though. A large population of U.S. citizens are fighting
against single payer health care, and even want to get rid of medicaid and medicare. 


This group extends from the ultra
rich, who don’t need health care insurance, to working class people who should
identify with the need for a “working stiff” to be able to work,
if willing, and receive whatever health care is necessary to lead a
life that includes the right to the pursuit of happiness. What has
happened to the American citizen? How have peoples hearts been so
hardened that they don’t care about the suffering of others(?)—people who may live right next door or at the end of the block.


are hard times and sad times. Larger numbers of people are
suffering. The American Dream and the Constitution is being
destroyed. The Bill of Rights is meaningless now, as those who would
enforce it are either being bought off by corporate money, or are so
angry and cold-hearted that they just don’t care about anyone except


Things are hard enough without the creation of an
underclass, permanent unemployment, and the removal of the safety net
which provides the means for the U.S. to promote the general welfare.
We can afford bombs and F21 Fighters, but we can’t afford jobs. One
day, perhaps, we will all learn that you cannot eat bombs or oil. I
will hate to see that day come because there will be a cry so loud
that it will reach the farthest stars.

Never Ending Drip Of School Tax Water Torture

Springfield School District (Pa) residents will pay an average of $115 more in property taxes next year (2012) all of course without any kind of guarantee that their schools will improve or even simply stay at par.

The millage which went from 26.2910 to 27.223 last year goes to 28.017 this year.

A mill is $1 for every $1,000 of assessed value. This means that the owner of a property assessed at $145,580, which is the district’s median assessed value, will now pay $4,079 in school taxes (28.017 x 145.58).

Regina Scheerer of the Delaware County Patriots attended Thursday’s budget meeting and notes the budget was approved with Donald L. Heller being the only dissenter.

Budget information can be found here at  the school district’s website
Never Ending Drip Of School Tax Water Torture

Never Ending Drip Of School Tax Water Torture

Stop Election Fraud: No Voting Without ID

This is being republished with the kind permission of Chris Freind

By Chris Freind

I am not wealthy, but have recently acquired 22 domiciles throughout
Philadelphia. My real estate prowess has afforded me a unique
opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our citizens.

I can vote 22 times.

You see, I have staked out prime locations, from a cardboard box
under the Walt Whitman Bridge to a culvert on Cobbs Creek Parkway to a
burnt-out shell at 7th and Diamond. Yes, technically, habitating at
these locations makes me “homeless,” but I much prefer the term
“voter-enfranchised.” When you have such a love of democracy, how can
anyone have a problem with people who want to vote multiple times,
especially the homeless? (Although, in fairness, dead people should
only be able to vote once).

Incredible as it seems, folks in Pennsylvania don’t have to show any
voter identification whatsoever at the polls, with the exception of the
first time, in which a non-photo ID, such as a utility bill, is all that
is needed. And even that’s a stretch since some politicians ignore the
law and permit people, who have never produced identification to vote.
So in Philadelphia, among other places, voters whose “address” is a park
bench or condemned house are regularly pulling the lever.

This system has made multiple-voting quite easy and affords a vote
not only to those who aren’t registered, but those not legally permitted
to cast a ballot — the nation’s 12 million illegal immigrants, since we
aren’t checking citizenship status, either.


Because former Governor Ed Rendell vetoed legislation requiring
voters to show proper identification, election fraud remains rampant.
By definition, allowing people to vote who are not properly registered
is disenfranchising those who play by the rules and cast a ballot the
right way. Bottom line: every illegal vote nullifies one made by a
law-abiding citizen.

And make no mistake. It has gotten so out-of-hand that illegal
immigrants are voting in large numbers throughout the country. Think
about that — citizens from other countries are quite possibly deciding
the outcomes of American elections.

One only has to look to Florida in 2000 to see a real-world example.
President Bush won by a mere 537 votes out of 5.8 million cast. As
governor of Texas, the Spanish-speaking Bush had always been popular
with Hispanics, particularly Florida’s Cubans. Given that Florida has a
large illegal immigration population, it is not unrealistic to think
that at least 537 illegals voted for Bush over Al Gore –the difference
in determining the Presidency of the United States. But since we have
so many “sanctuary cities” –places where it is prohibited to ask one’s
immigration/citizenship status — there is no way to determine who is an
American citizen, let alone who is validly registered.

Rendell’s rationale for vetoing the bill was that it would have
created voting problems for the homeless, the poor, displaced victims of
natural disasters, and those without access to valid ID. And now that
another Voter ID bill is working its way through the legislature — this
time with a solid shot at becoming law given Gov. Tom Corbett’s support —
we are hearing the same old arguments.

Here’s a question. How many natural disasters hit the Keystone
State? And even if one does, how does that obviate the need for an ID?

As far as access to an ID, is it really so excruciatingly difficult
to produce a passport, driver’s license, or employee, government or
student photo identification? Getting past the rhetoric, it has yet to
be shown how a voter identification requirement negatively affects
students, the disabled, and, as the ACLU puts it, “disproportionately
impacts the elderly, the working poor, and racial minorities.”

Since identification requirements would apparently discourage people
from voting, thereby “disenfranchising” them, here’s a solution: let’s
have no rules at all. That way, at least no one will be offended….well,
except law-abiding Americans. But hey, what do they matter, since
they’re the only major constituency with no rights.


Buzzwords like “voter disenfranchisement” aside, the Pennsylvania
Voter Identification Protection Act, sponsored by State Representative
Daryl Metcalfe, is long overdue legislation with which an overwhelming
number of voters agree. What could be easier and more common sense that
simply documenting who you claim to be when participating in the most
fundamental American right?

The true motivations of those opposed are painfully obvious: the vast
majority of non-registered voters have Democratic leanings. They have
become an integral part of the Democratic base, and as such, their
voting process must be obstacle-free if the party is to grow.

Translation: when you can’t legitimately win at the ballot box, go to Plan B — steal the election.

Welcome to the Banana Republic of Pennsylvania.


It’s a shame there hasn’t been a meaningful debate on this. But
rather than discuss the Voter ID bill on its merits, the Left has chosen
to throw out inflammatory accusations of “voter disenfranchisement.”

At one point in our history, Americans were subjected to
discriminatory treatment which truly disenfranchised them, such as being
required to pay poll taxes and take literacy tests. Thankfully, such
practices have been rescinded, and comparing an ID bill to what our
ancestors experienced is a downright insult to those who fought for the
right to vote.

And as long as we’re on the subject of voting reforms, maybe an
amendment to the Voter ID bill could be offered that would eliminate the
option of single-lever voting. Pulling just one lever is far too easy,
and takes the thinking out of voting — which is, obviously, never a good

Americans have become far too complacent when it comes to voting and,
as a result, we are reaping the consequences of our corrupted system.
Good policy should never come down to just a “Democrat” or “Republican”
one-second pull of a lever. Instead, making citizens vote for
individual over party may yet inspire them to take a more avid interest
in who will be their representatives.

The American voting system isn’t perfect, and Voter ID laws (which
have been ruled constitutional) will go a long way to restoring the
integrity so crucial in the power to choose one’s own destiny.

Having no voter identification requirement is a disgraceful blow to
those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that Americans could enjoy free
and fair elections.

In a society where one must show ID to enter office buildings,
airplanes, trains or even buy antihistamine at the pharmacy, it is time
to give the same level of importance to voting. The current practice — a
truly disenfranchising one — must end in order to preserve our
hard-earned freedom.

PA Passes Major Tort Reform

By Bob Guzzardi

The Pennsylvania State Senate,10:24 a.m., today, June 21, passed the Fair Share Act with a 28-22 vote.

The act would end joint liability in civil cases for defendants found to be less than 60 percent liable and implements a system in which a defendant would only  pay his share of the damages.

Pennsylvania is one of just nine states that don’t do this.

The Act, or, HB 1,  was the first legislation introduced in the State House this session.  Its prime sponsor was State Rep. Curt Schroder (R-155).

It passed the House, 112-88 on April 11 with all Republicans voting for it except for Kate Harper of the 61st District, Tim Hennessey of the 26th District and Dennis O’Brien of the 169th District

All Senate Republicans voted for it except Jane Orie of the 40th District, Gene Yaw of the 23rd District and Stewart Greenleaf of the 12th District.

The bill now goes to Gov. Tom Corbett for his expected signature.

Another Blackout From the White-house

Obama administration initiated a news blackout about a failing
nuclear power plant located outside of Omaha, Nebraska. Russia’s
Federal Atomic Energy Agency (FAAE) provided information from a
report provided to them by the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) that states that the Obama regime has ordered a “total and
complete” news blackout relating to any information regarding the
near catastrophic meltdown of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant.


to this report, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant suffered a
“catastrophic loss of cooling” to one of its idle spent fuel rod
pools on 7 June after this plant was deluged with water caused by the
historic flooding of the Missouri River which resulted in a fire
causing the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to issue a “no-fly ban”
over the area.


atomic scientists in this FAAE report say that the Omaha
Public Power District statement on their website saying there was no
“Level 4” emergency is an “outright falsehood.”


nuclear plants in the world operate under the guidelines of the
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) which
clearly states the “events” occurring at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear
Power Plant do, indeed, put it in the “Level 4” emergency
category of an “accident with local consequences” thus making
this one of the worst nuclear accidents in US history.

Though the amount release of radiation was negligible, this report
warns that the censorship for “political reasons” by the Obama
administration risks serious “blow-back.”


Is there any coincidence
that the Obama administration which has been pushing nuclear
energy as a form of clean energy and touting how safe our nuclear
plants are today, is trying to cover up an incident due to the
invasion of flood waters? This is not the Hope and Change many of us
signed up for at the ballot box in 2008. It just seems like the same
old behavior on steroids.


I would even suggest it
has reached an all time low when we begin to censor natural disasters
in order to push for an overly expensive form of energy production
that leaves us with poisonous waste that cannot, as of now, be
disposed of safely while ignoring solar energy and wind energy


When many Americans
responded to the cry for receiving hope and change in 2008
most did not realize that what they were receiving was hope for
change: for the change left over from their paychecks after all
of the spiraling prices and the increase in local and state taxes to
offset federal budget cuts, and hope that the government would change
and begin to work for the people instead of large corporate

Things You Would Know If O Was Tea Party

Secret diplomatic cables unveiled by Wikileaks showed that the Obama Administration pressured poor, blighted Haiti  to rescind a law raising its minimum wage to 61 cents per hour.

Haiti had passed the law in 2009 raising it from 24 cents an hour. This outraged contractors for clothing companies  who appealed to Obama who twisted arms to cut the minimum wage hike to 7 cents bringing it to 31 cents an hour.

There are moral and reasonable arguments against the minimum wage but Obama and his supporters reject them out of hand. Regardless, there is nothing moral about exploitation or enforced penury and hopelessness, which is what these clothing companies are doing and for what Obama signed on to.

The extreme left The Nation broke the story but  quickly pulled it. The spiking of the of the story  is the subject of this article in the Columbia Journalism Review.

* * *

And then there is the matter off Harrison J. Bounel. This story goes that a debt collector named Al was chasing a client in Chicago and found that a Harrison J. Bounel happened to be listed as resident of the Obama home at 5046 S. Greenwood Ave. and shared the President’s Social Security number.

Regardless of the reliability of the claim, the issue has become fodder on the web with the name drawing 173,000 Yahoo hits and spawning a popular satirical Facebook page.

And if Mr. Bounel was connected to a particular address in Wasilia, Alaska one would have been far more likely to have heard of him, regardless of the reliability of the claim.

* * *

And then there is the matter of Huma Abedin, the wife of former Congressman Anthony Weiner and deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Walid Shoebat is reporting on PajamasMedia.Com that Mrs. Weiner’s mom is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ladies auxiliary and that her brother is a partner with members of the group.

Granted family connections don’t automatically translate to shared values and goals — which is something that Mr. Shoebat should be the first to admit — but one would think that those connections should be well known and discussed in the public square, especially as she is deputy chief of staff to the secretary of state.

Things You Would Know If O Was Tea Party

Things You Would Know If O Was Tea Party

How Democrats Win Elections

How Democrats Win Elections is courtesy of  Bob Guzzardi’s TheLibertyBlog.Org

We are worried about ‘the cow’ when it is all about the ‘Ice Cream.’

The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year…

The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.

I decided we would have an election for a class president.

We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.

To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.

We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.

We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.

The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good kids.

I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support.

I had never seen Olivia’s mother.

The day arrived when they were to make their speeches.

Jamie went first.

He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better
Place. He ended by promising to do his very best.

Everyone applauded and he sat down.

Now it was Olivia’s turn to speak.

Her speech was concise. She said, “If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream.  “She sat down.

The class went wild. “Yes! Yes! We want ice cream.”

She surely would say more. She did not have to.

A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn’t sure.

Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it…She didn’t know.

The class really didn’t care. All they were thinking about was ice cream…

Jamie was forgotten. Olivia won by a landslide.

Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and 52 percent of the people reacted like nine year olds.

They want ice cream.

The other 48 percent know they’re going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.”

This is the ice cream Obama promised us!

Remember, the government cannot give anything to anyone that they have not first taken away from someone else.

Did you vote for the ice cream?



How Democrats Win Elections