Time Of Treason And Hope Was Message At Quarryville Gathering

Time Of Treason And Hope Was Message At Quarryville Gathering — It was a warm gathering this afternoon, Oct. 14, for those who braved the bitter rains, backroads and buggies of Quarryville, Pa. but what was heard came without a sugarcoating.

“We live in treasonous times,” filmmaker and author Trevor Loudon told them.

The event was sponsored by Patriots of Lancaster County.

Loudon said that there were 100 members of Congress who couldn’t pass a background check for a top secret-clearance and 40 members of the Senate.

He noted the FBI is answerable to them so don’t expect action on that front.

He said Iran and China our aware of this gap in our security and worked to get those elected who either sympathized with them or whom they could control.

Loudon cited Congressmen Jerry Nadler (D-NY12), who chaired the House Judiciary Committee when the Dems had control, and Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA28) as two examples of those under their sway.

He said that Joe Biden was working with Russia since the 1970s, Iran since the 1980s and China since the Millennium.

Loudon said that was the reason that  Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland has been shutting down every oil lease and uranium mine she can.

Her department controls about 20 percent of the country.

He said that China is running voter registration drives in swing states using data maps made by an American socialist who graduated from George Mason University but is working out of Wuhan University.

Loudon said Democrat-sympathizers often run as Republican in Pennsylvania and win.

He also said it is foolish to avoid social issues, unlike what the professional pols claim, as that is what drives turnout.

People will always vote for God, country and children, he said.

He said that vote fraud must be ended and can be. Florida did it he says. That was why it was the only state with a red wave.

He suggested that vote fraud can be handled nationally with a highly vetted squad of agents “untouchable” to corruption.

Loudon said that courage is required for these times and that courage is proof of faith.

He said the cowardly are listed first in those assigned to Hell in The Book of Revelations.

“You can say you believe . . .all day but until you put your job on the line, your reputation on the line or your life on the line they are just words,” he said.

J R McGee

Security consultant J R McGee described a likely strategy by Israel regarding the horror inflicted on that nation, Oct. 7, by Hamas terrorists from neighboring Gaza.

Israel will give residents of Gaza City 72 hours to evacuate and be put into tent camps in the southern Gaza desert, McGee said. Israel will then march into Gaza City considering everything to be a potential military target.

McGee noted that Hamas along with Lebanon-based Hezbollah are controlled by Iran.

He said that when Israel invades Gaza, Iran will have no choice but to unleash Hezbollah from the north. This is a much more serious issue as Hezbollah has far more and far better weapons than Hamas.

McGee thinks Iran overplayed its hand, however. He said he is absolutely sure it’s using money Biden gave them

McGee said that America is in the same boat as more than 20,000 military age men from Iran and China were captured by Border Patrol in last two months. He said, though, that those who got away can’t be counted.

“If you don’t think we can experience something that Israel is facing now you haven’t been paying attention,” he said.

He said that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban are absolutely in the United States.

McGee said Iran has become very good at duplicating our stuff, and that the things Biden left behind in the evacuation of Afghanistan is being studied by the Iranians, Chinese and Russians.

He urged all to vote, even if they didn’t like either candidate.

“In the primary support the perfect candidate,” he said “In the general vote for the one that is not the greatest evil.”

When you don’t vote, the greater evil wins, he said.

He said to vote even if you think there is cheating.

“We are on the winning side,” he said.

Freedom Caucus Panel
Time Of Treason And Hope Was Message At Quarryville Gathering
Freedom Caucus at Quarryville gathering

McGee was followed by a panel of state representatives Wendy Fink (R-94), Dawn Keefer (R-92), Mike Jones (R-98), Tom Jones (R-98) and David Zimmerman (R-99), all of whom are members of the Pennsylvania House Freedom Caucus.

They said that Pennsylvania had the largest freedom caucus of any state legislature.

Zimmerman noted that the establishment is scared of the grassroots and will pull out all stops to keep power.

Mrs. Fink’s primary victory of long-term incumbent Stan Saylor in 2022 has absolutely terrified them.

Mrs. Fink she had little interest in politics before 2020 when the establishment’s actions regarding Covid and that year’s election woke her up.

“I was happily living in Wendy’s World,” she said.

But she got involved and caused an earthquake.

She was later teased by another caucus member about “Wendy’s World”.

“Wendy’s World was nice,” she said.

Discussed was Gov. Josh Shapiro’s unlegislated mandate of automatic voter registration at driver’s licensing. Nobody is certain how Shapiro specifically instituted the policy. Was it a phone call? A memo?

One would think there would be some legal challenge by the opposition. Mrs. Keefer said that neither Republican leadership in the House nor Senate was interested, however.

She said the Freedom Caucus is looking at a lawsuit using private lawyers.

On the other hand, motor voter registration has gone overwhelmingly R.

On the other hand, Pennsylvania’s Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors or SURE system has gone down three times in October.

Yes, it’s suspicious.

“SURE System just reeks,” Mrs. Keefer said.

Mrs. Keefer said one goal of the Freedom Caucus is to have ballots counted at precincts rather than at centralized centers like the Wharf.

Tom Jones said lukewarm Republicans are worse than Democrats.

Mike Jones condemned child porn and condemned the legislators who make excuses for inaction, especially regarding school libraries.

Not Unanimous For McCormick

Attorney Josh Prince, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for Commonwealth Court in the primary, described his Russian Roulette blog series regarding the strident reaction by the GOP establishment to the grassroots.

He said it seems that supposedly Republican supporters such as Commonwealth Partners inevitably back weaker candidates in primaries setting them up for inevitable November defeats.

Prince suggested that York County District Attorney Dave Sunday be the GOP Attorney General nominee for 2024. He said Sunday squelched the attempts of state oppression in his county during Covid.

He also brought up the Pennsylvania GOP’s strange, early endorsement of equity fund CEO Dave McCormick for U.S. senator.

Prince said he understands the endorsement vote was not unanimous as had been claimed. He said the voice vote was declared over before the asking for nays, and there most certainly were nays.

Cutler Challenge From Nissley

Ron Boltz of PA Liberty Fund described his organization’s training sessions and how it has been actively campaigning against State Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-100), who had been Speaker of the House until Republicans lost it last year.

Time Of Treason And Hope Was Message At Quarryville Gathering
Carmela Ciliberti and Dave Nissley

Boltz noted that Cutler spent money to defend endangered incumbents in primaries, rather than use it for the general. He thinks this was a big reason for the GOP defeat.

Cutler will face a primary challenge next spring from Dave Nissley who was introduced along with Carmela Ciliberti.

Carmela will be again challenge long-time incumbent John Lawrence in the 13 District State House GOP primary.

She recommended Tactics by Gregory Koukl for all political newbies.

Time Of Treason And Hope Was Message At Quarryville Gathering

Defend Borders or Close West Point and Annapolis

Defend Borders or Close West Point and Annapolis

By Joe Guzzardi

The troubling news that U.S. veterans hoping to see the Army-Navy game in Foxboro, Mass., had their hotel reservations canceled to provide illegal aliens shelter could be a blessing in disguise, assuming the vets vote in unison to preserve the country they’re sworn to defend.

Kicking vets out of their lodging to reward aliens with coveted hotel rooms represents the latest afront to Americans by open borders advocates. Open borders are a continuing, shameful offense and assault on U.S. sovereignty. Most offended are veterans. Data that the Department of Veterans Affairs released showed that the veteran population is 19 million.

Imagine the 19 million plus their spouses, children, siblings, friends and neighbors disgusted by the audacity of federal and state officials sanctioning the unceremonious booting of vets from their rooms, leaving them to fend for themselves to find alternate housing for an event that’s sold-out months in advance. Massachusetts Democratic Gov. Maura Healey claimed to be “distressed” when she learned that a New Jersey travel agent had displaced the vets to make rooms available to the migrants. Healey’s “distressed” claim cannot be taken at face value. Like most of Massachusetts, Healey is an immigration expansion advocate.

Massachusetts’ migrant crisis is so acute that Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll urged Bay State taxpayers to open their homes to illegal aliens. Reacting to Healey’s declaration that migration has put the state in emergency mode, Driscoll asked residents who might have “…an extra room or suite in your home, [to] please consider hosting a family. Safe housing and shelter is our most pressing need.” Driscoll said that Massachusetts is spending about $45 million monthly in taxpayer dollars on migrants’ shelter needs.

Some support Driscoll, and cited Massachusetts’ history as one of the first colonies founded by European migrants. The supporters have ample chance to back up their words with action. Massachusetts has 5,600 illegal alien homeless families that include infants and pregnant women, an 80 percent increase from the 3,100 families a year ago.

The governor could also step up to the plate. Healey has a four-bedroom, single family home in Arlington, Mass., that she shares with her partner. Healey’s living arrangement frees up three bedrooms, and would take some of the burden off the state she governs. Or, Healey could make sheltering aliens a condition of continued employment for the state’s 438,000 workers. As long as the northern and southern borders remain open, and unchecked migration continues, no solution that immigration advocates dream up is, in their view, asking too much. Remember Driscoll’s overview of the role residents should play in the state’s right- to-shelter crisis: “Everyone has something they can share.”

As long as the federal government welcomes millions of unvetted, impoverished aliens, including convicted criminals and FBI terrorist suspects, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis might as well shut their doors. The mission of the graduates of the institutions is to protect the homeland, a goal that the White House actively undermines. Under Biden, the homeland is wide open for the world to access. A House Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement report found that through March 2023, 99 percent of the arriving 2.1 million foreign nationals remain in the U.S. Only 6 percent have been thoroughly vetted, showing a complete disregard for citizens’ “safe housing” that Driscoll rhapsodized about.

In the Biden administration’s latest nonsolution to a state’s migration catastrophe, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will send a team to Boston to, in government-speak empty words, “assess the current migrant situation and identify ways to improve efficiencies and maximize our support for communities that are addressing the needs of migrants.” The feds have already sent $2.8 billion in taxpayer funds to help Massachusetts out of a problem that has no monetary resolution.

New West Point grads, new Annapolis grads and veterans, along with their relatives and friends, might total 50 million, a large enough bloc to swing the election toward a much-needed candidate committed to enforcing U.S. immigration laws.

In the 2024 presidential election, other simmering issues will be hotly debated – abortion, the economy, crime, war in the Ukraine and the Middle East – but nothing will be more important than restoring U.S. sovereignty.

Joe Guzzardi is a Project for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at jguzzardi@ifspp.org.

Defend Borders or Close West Point and Annapolis

Defend Borders or Close West Point and Annapolis

Way for a young man to rise William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-14-23

Way for a young man to rise William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-14-23

Ozwf setalagf wfvk, zshhafwkk twyafk.
Lzgesk Ewjlgf

The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself in every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to hinder him. Abraham Lincoln Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself in every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to hinder him.
Abraham Lincoln

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