John Emmons Hangs On With Chesco GOP Despite Move To Berks — We reported in July that John Emmons, the executive vice chair of the Chester County GOP, moved up to Berks yet remained registered to vote in Chesco.
And remained executive vice chair of the Chester County GOP.
Well, we have an update. As per Chester County Voter Services:
- Alison Emmons: Canceled her voter registration with Chester County on September 18th, 2023. She is now registered in Berks County.
- John Emmons: Our office mailed him an Address Verification Notice (AVN) on July 28th, 2023. We have yet to receive confirmation from him. Once his address is confirmed, his voter registration with Chester County will either be reactivated and show his new address, or his voter registration will update to reflect he has moved to a different county.
And he remains the executive vice chair of the Republican Chester County Committee.
John Emmons Hangs On With Chesco GOP