Gaetz Not Cause of Chaos In Congress

Gaetz Not Cause of Chaos In Congress — Establishment Republicans are in a tizzy over Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL1) who orchestrated the removal of Kevin McCarthy (R-CA20) as Speaker of the House, Oct.3.

McCarthy has yet to be replaced.

Establishment types are purportedly working with Democrats to get in Tom Emmer (R-MN6) but eight others have entered for this round including Daniel Meuser (R-PA9).

Anyway, Gaetz is not to blame for the turmoil. He was just pointing out a disease that exists whether it’s pointed out or not.

Joe Pags Pagliarulo summed the issue up nicely on X, Oct. 21:

Tell me exactly what you think Matt Gaetz did wrong. Let’s stop the posturing and BS.

It took 15 votes and a lot of negotiating to get the Speaker’s gavel in McCarthy’s hand in January. He made promises and concessions and was told he’d be held to them. First, what he did well:

He masterfully dealt with the media. They’d ask loaded questions and he’d go right at them with truth and facts. Several times, he held them to account and did so very well. In fact, I think some became gun shy. He was especially strong in defending the House investigating alleged corruption by the Bidens.

He’s also done a good job raising money. Some say he’s been great — but, I’d argue the Rs should have a much larger majority in the House. So, I’ll say a good job. And…

He talks one helluva good game. He was gonna do a ton.

  • Defund the 87,000 IRS agents
  • Close the border
  • Put a low cap on the debt ceiling
  • Pass a sensible, cost-cutting budget

Those who support him say he’s done all of that. And he hasn’t. Getting it to the floor and passing it doesn’t get it done. And, he knows that. When you have the majority and you get legislation done in the House that has to do with money — YOU HAVE THE LEVERAGE. It’s an empty victory when you say you defunded the 87,000 IRS agents who are NOT defunded, or the border isn’t closed or the debt has NO ceiling etc.

As Speaker, you have the leverage to say — “You want more money to Ukraine? The 87k have to go. You want more money for Ukraine or to send to Palestine? The border must be closed now. You want more money for your pet “green” agenda? The debt ceiling is 1.5T and not a penny more. You want more money for trees in ‘underserved neighborhoods?’ Then you accept this percentage less in spending over the next FY.” Period.

Where exactly did McCarthy use that leverage to force Schumer’s or Biden’s hand? Show me where he did that. He literally holds our tax dollars in his hands and gets to decide how they’re used.

Everyone in this country knew there was a one vote to debate on vacating the seat. He certainly knew it, fact is, it could have happened before it did. When Kevin McCarthy said he was going to offer 1.5T in a debt ceiling increase most conservatives thought — that’s way too much. But, get it done and make sure spending cuts are in the next budget. He went and met with Biden’s team and literally gave them NO debt limit until March of 2025. Yes, AFTER the next presidential election. He could have been vacated right then. But, they were patient.

Then, he adjourns the House before sending any budget to the Senate giving the other body the opportunity to push a CR and act like they were fighting to keep the government open and if it closed, it would be on the House. What a ridiculous mistake. Think about it. All the Speaker had to do was put a budget together that took spending to pre-CVD and cut it by a percentage more and put it in Schumer’s lap. Then adjourn. This way, the pressure is on the Senate to agree, alter and re-present or turn it down. Then, any government shutdown would be on them. This was such a bad move that in reality handed Schumer and the Ds in the Senate the upper hand.

What Matt Gaetz did had nothing to do with him self-aggrandizing nor improving his standing somehow in the House. It actually served to hurt him with the uniparty but he did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. Kudos to the other reps who joined him in vacating McCarthy. Word I get from the Capitol is there were many more than 8 on board, but couldn’t do it for political reasons and they knew the Ds were not going to support McCarthy.

So, time to move forward. Jim Jordan should have easily won the gavel. NOT ONE R rep made a good case against him. Now, Byron Donalds has thrown his hat in the ring. He’s a money guy by trade and a great conservative. What could the issue be now? Take the vote, give him the gavel, and get to work.

This make sense to you? Let me know.

Gaetz Not Cause of Chaos In Congress
Matt Gaetz, not cause of chaos

Gaetz Not Cause of Chaos In Congress

Discussion Of Pennsylvania Sheriffs Continues

Discussion Of Pennsylvania Sheriffs Continues — Pennsylvania Patriot Coalition will continue their discussion about the role of county sheriffs and the powers bestowed on them by the Pennsylvania Constitution, 7 tonight, Oct. 23 via Zoom.

Host is William Reil.

To participate use this link:

Meeting ID is 825 9192 4231

Passcode is 646951

One can also join by phone by calling 646-558-8656

Discussion Of Pennsylvania Sheriffs Continues

Joy Schwartz Explains Delco Crisis On Dawn Stensland

Joy Schwartz Explains Delco Crisis On Dawn Stensland — Joy Schwartz, one of three Republican candidates for Delaware County (Pa) Council, guested Oct. 18 on The Dawn Stensland’s show.

Joy taught in the William Penn School District before retiring and noted that she is the daughter of immigrant parents. That’s from whence comes her love for America.

The interview was wide-ranging. Joy noted that the arrogant intransigency of the present county administration regarding voting concerns are fueling widespread doubt in our elections.

Delco is appealing right-to-know requests they have lost regarding how it runs elections, for example.

Why would they do that? The obvious reason is the ugliest.

Joy noted that Democrat spending over the last four years is going to give Delco a crushing property tax increase.

“They have been floating bonds our their capital improvement projects,” she said. “In 2023, they borrowed $60 million. If they remain in power, God forbid, they will borrow $70 million next year. And this is at higher interest rates.”

She said that this will require — at minimum — a 30 percent increase in the county real estate tax bill to resolve.

“For some people this may be a drop in the bucket, but in Delaware County we are talking about a lot of townships and municipalities that have very hard-working people in them that don’t make a lot of money,” she said. “A $2,000 increase in their real estate taxes for the county is significant. “Especially when you pile that on top of practically every single school district in the county hiking up their taxes.”

She noted that her hometown of Upper Darby — solidly under Democrat control — is on the brink of bankruptcy.

“When people can’t afford to stay in their homes, and when they start not be able to pay their taxes, and they’re becoming tax delinquent, we are talking about a disaster happening in Delaware County,” she said.

Joy Schwartz Explains Delco Crisis On  Dawn Strensland
Joy Schwartz withe her former student Kenesha Gales at the Trainer Baconfest.

People are hurting in Upper Darby and Lansdowne, she said.

She brought up Council’s hairbrained scheme to spend $49 million per year over 16 years to “fight’ climate change.

“Now I like parks and trails as much as the other person but right now we have serious issues with homelessness, with drugs, with crime on our streets,” she said. “Those are priorities that are just being thrown away.”

If you’re a resident of Upper Darby, Lansdowne or anywhere in Delco that isn’t filthy rich, prepare to suffer if this crowd keeps power.

Vote for Joy, Bill Dennon and Jeff Jones, Nov 7, unless you like misery.

The interview can be found here:

Dawn Stensland can be heard 10 a.m. to noon on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT.

Joy Schwartz Explains Delco Crisis On Dawn Stensland

Pink-Haired Parkside Sunday Stalker Hits Mailboxes

Pink-Haired Parkside Sunday Stalker Hits Mailboxes — We heard that a pink-haired lady was going through mailboxes in Parkside Borough, yesterday.

Yesterday, Oct. 22, was Sunday which means there was no mail delivery.

A resident confronted her and she fled. He called Parkside Police. They never showed but they told the resident she had been delivering Democrat campaign literature.

It’s illegal to put stuff in mailboxes for which no postage has been paid, including campaign literature.

The complainant wanted to give a statement but the Parkside Police refused to take it.

And why are some (Democrat) Parkside Council members trying to shut down the volunteer fire department?

Nov. 7 is Election Day in Pennsylvania. If you want a nice, safe place to work and live don’t vote for the woke and stupid.

Pink-Haired Parkside Sunday Stalker Hits Mailboxes

Pink-Haired Parkside Sunday Stalker Hits Mailboxes

Sweet is the sleep of laborers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-23-23

Sweet is the sleep of laborers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-23-23

Zsaw qehi mr wxsvqw evi jsvksxxir mr gepqw.
Xlsqew Jyppiv

Sweet is the sleep of laborers, whether they eat little or much; but the surfeit of the rich will not let them sleep. Ecclesiastes Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Sweet is the sleep of laborers, whether they eat little or much; but the surfeit of the rich will not let them sleep.
Ecclesiastes 5:12

Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM