Delco Prepares Extending Solid Waste Authority Until 2074

Delco Prepares Extending Solid Waste Authority Until 2074

By Sharon Devaney

Delaware County (Pa) Council, May 1, passed first readings of ordinances that would extend the Delaware County Solid Waste Authority until Jan 1, 2074. The extension is needed for the authority to incur debt said County Solicitor Jonathan Lichtenstein.

In other business, the Council passed 33 consent items including an application to the FY2r Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to combat Human Trafficking in the amount of $750,000 for three years from Oct. 1, 2024 through Sept. 30, 2027; and to accept $748,500 HealthChoices Reinvestment dollars from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services for the implementation of the Integrated Clinical Services Team.

Council appointed Mathew McGlaughlin and Jamal Johnson to the Economic Development Oversight Board to a term ending March 31; Councilwoman Christine Reuther to the Economic Development Oversight Board for a term ending March 31; and Sustainability Manager Rebecca Yurkovich to serve on a temporary basis as designee to the Board of Sustainable Energy Partnership of Southeast Pa in case of the unavailability of the appointed board member and the county sustainability director.

Delco Prepares Extending Solid Waste Authority Until 2074

Aunt Elsie Palinko R.I.P.

My Aunt Elsie Palinko died, Tuesday, at a hospital in Connecticut near her home in West Haven.

She was 96.

With her was her son, Ricky, who along with his brother Tommy and sister Karen cared for her and never let her be lonely.

Aunt Elsie was the last of my mom’s 10 brothers and sisters.

They grew up in the coal patch of Eckley, Pa. the children of Michael, a miner, and Catherine Kushner Lozinak.

The town has become a museum.

The museum describes a hard life but the only childhood stories we heard were happy ones.

The family stayed close. Elsie married Timmy who preceded her in death. My mom, until her death in 2016, called Elsie weekly. The conversations lasted hours. She would get my dad involved.

Dad would work her and Timmy into the Legendary Recipe columns he wrote at the County Press or just use recipes she sent him. There was Studenina Palinko Style and Lucky Elsie’s Hodge Podge and Elsie’s Favorite Noodle Kugel and many others.

Her funeral is Monday in Freeland, Pa. where she will be buried with her beloved Timmy.

Aunt Elsie Palinko R.I.P.
Elsie and Timmy Palinko

Illegal Crisis Explained At United4Delco Event

Illegal Crisis Explained At United4Delco Event — Charlie Alexander and Sharon Devaney have become the faces of the illegals crisis in Delaware County, Pa.

They were United4Delco‘s speakers, last night, May 2, at Gatsby’s Bar and Grill in Aston.

Sharon’s story is well known to our readers. She has also told it many times at Delco Council meetings despite sneers from councilmembers.

At about 8 a.m., April 10, 2017, Sharon’s Toyota Camry was t-boned at Lawrence and Ellis roads in Haverford Township, Pa. She was left crippled. Her daughter was with her and would have likely been killed if it was her door that was hit.

The driver of the striking car was an illegal alien from Trindad and Tobago. She was let walk away without arrest or any consequence.

Sharon says the woman still lives in the county.

Charlie, whose writings have spun the heads of Delco’s Democrats, explained what got him involved with the matter.

Actually, not that long ago he was a Democrat, he says. That began to change after Obama’s election, though. He says 2008 was the last time he voted D.

A few months ago, Charlie was told that plans were in the works to use the shuttered Delaware County Memorial Hospital in Upper Darby and Springfield Hospital to house illegals.

He called the county’s public relations department. When he described what he was trying to get confirmed or denied, initial friendliness turned cold. He was told to email his questions. Charlie did but got no response. He contacted them again without satisfaction. He wrote about it at his site, Chuckles Sports.

This begat a smear campaign with Delco officials accusing him of being a MAGA AI bot.

Charlie didn’t back down. He says his sources are reliable and in position to have knowledge of county plans.

He was told Delco planned to use the buildings at Don Guanella to house illegals.

Again, he said his sources were reliable and in position to know.

He says this was being orchestrated by non-governmental organizations such as HIAS, which started as Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

The county of course continues to deny it.

Charlie is not a keyboard warrior. He has gone on the scene to investigate support groups for illegals and reports of suspicious vans at locations suspected of being part of the transportation network for illegals.

Charlie spoke at Wednesday’s, May 1, council meeting and gave councilmembers a blueprint as to how to win trust, which is basically to start trying to solve the problem rather than defensively denying it exists.

County Council has only itself to blame when people believe the worst. Those who stonewall and gaslight simply can’t be trusted.

What is the big secret with Fort Orange Press, anyway?

Illegal Crisis Explained At United4Delco Event
Charlie Alexander and Sharon Devaney at Gatsby’s . Behind them is moderator Joy Schwartz

Overstuffed William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-3-24

Overstuffed William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-3-24

Hgdalauasfk sdkg zsnw fg dwakmjw, twusmkw lzwq sjw sdosqk saeafy sl kgewlzafy twqgfv hgdalausd daxw alkwdx, hgowj sfv ydgjq, gj zshhafwkk.

Overstuffed William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-3-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: If you are overstuffed with food, get up in the middle of the meal, and you will have relief.