Daylin Leach Blog Embarrassment — Way before Congressman Tony Weiner’s Twitter escapades, State Sen. Daylin Leach (D-17) had his own issue with the internet.
While Leach didn’t flirt with indecent exposure or corruption of minors on the blog he ran in 2005 while a state representative for the 149th District, he did write some pretty weird things that one would prefer not to have come from the mind of someone who makes our laws.
These include, as per this archive of the blog, LeachVent, things like:
People think bachelor parties are an American tradition, as American as apple pie, or racial profiling.
Whether it’s a singing debut or a custody hearing, whether your wife is
arranging a surprise party, or your friends are arranging an
intervention, whether you are hosting a bake sale for your glee club, or
a pig roast for NAMBLA, I will be happy to publicize it.
Leach killed the blog after negative publicity in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Leach certainly isn’t not beyond the pale of forgiveness for these missives but voters ought to give a double look at someone who blithely once implied racial profiling isn’t unAmerican and would not look with loathing and disgust at NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), which is an organization aimed at making child molestation socially acceptable.
Hat tip Bob Guzzardi.
And while on the topic of Congresman Weiner and Democrat values, the old media has made attempts to equate his scandal with the scandal involving David Vitter, a Republican senator from Louisiana.
For those interested in comparing past scandals, here’s how Weiner’s differs from those of Bill Clinton.
1. Weiner has yet to commit perjury and lose his law license.
2. Weiner has yet to be accused of premeditated, forcible rape.
3. Weiner has yet to be accused of premeditated, forcible rape and be unwilling to personally and definitively deny the accusation.
4. Weiner has yet to be accused of threatening unruly ex-girlfriends with destruction, death or disfigurement.
5. Weiner has yet to have been shown to have sodomized anyone with a cigar.
6. Weiner has not been found to have used people on the public payroll — including police officers under his command — to have gotten girls for him.
7. Weiner is being condemned by his fellow Democrats who are demanding that he resign.
Just want to help out the Democrats of this state, including Daylin Leach, and keep things in perspective.