Hitler Better Painter Than Hunter Biden

Hitler Better Painter Than Hunter Biden

Climbing on a limb
Can be kind of dim
Like in a car with bald tires you go ridin’

But we will take the dare
We will go there
And say Hitler painted better than Hunter Biden

Hitler Better Painter Than Hunter
Hitler’s Halaman Rumah Tua Di Munchen
Hitler Better Painter Than Hunter
A Hunter Biden work which reportedly went for $500K.
Name us another living artist that can sell a work for $500K.

4 thoughts on “Hitler Better Painter Than Hunter Biden”

  1. This gave me a good chuckle this a.m.

    Forgot that Hitler was a “failed painter.” If only the painting thing had worked out for him, the world might have been a much different place!

    1. –If only the painting thing had worked out for him,–

      That is very true. OTOH, Hitler was a pretty mediocre painter. Maybe he could have gotten $80 for one at a summer festival or something.


      OTOH, he stil beats Hunter.

      But Hunter’s art brings six-figures.

      Wonder how that could be.

  2. I have a drawing my nephew drew when he as 5 or 6. He called it “Hayworks.” It is a of a working farm with the hay being harvested. My daughter drew a balloon with a face when she was 2 years old. Both of these are infinitely better than anything Hunter could do. Any takers?

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