John Lawrence Has Wind Cronies At His Back — State Rep. John Lawrence, a loyal member of the establishment club, hears Carmela Ciliberti’s footsteps terrifyingly clear and is swamping his constituents in Pennsylvania’s 13th District with mailers begging them for their vote in the GOP primary, May 17.
Yes, vote for John just because he’s been around for 12 years.
Not that he’s done much in that time.
Can you say entitled?
Anyway, now the leeches who depend on guys like Lawrence for lives of easy living have gotten concerned and are trying to ride to his rescue.
Residents are being harassed with text messages claiming Lawrence is “a conservative” who supports farmers and education and, wait for it, “fiscal responsibility in government”.
That last bit is a pretty twisted little joke considering that the messages are paid for by American Energy Action.
AEA is a lobbying group for wind energy. Wind energy is the poster boy for crony capitalism. Backing it isn’t exactly “fiscal responsibility in government.”
The shameless use of that phrase shows the Lawrence string pullers think the people of the 13th District are stupid sheep.
You’re not.
Vote for Carmela, May 17.
John Lawrence Has Wind Cronies At His Back
Industry experts warn of power supply shortages due to renewable energy