Octorara Plantiff Getting Hate Mail — A Kimberton man who is suing more than dozen persons including eight of the nine Octorara school director, Octorara Superintendent Michele Orner, and Chester County District Attorney Debra Ryan is receiving threatening letters and other hate mail.
John Ryan Miller was arrested at the Sept. 19, 2022 school board meeting in the Chester County, Pa. district. He had gone there to serve a summons regarding the federal lawsuit he filed Aug. 18 alleging violations of the 1983 Civil Rights act.
The Act makes it a crime for someone acting under the color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
Miller had spoken at a January meeting on behalf of parents concerned about the trauma Covid restrictions were afflicting on their children. He objected to the request made by the board that he make public personal information such as name and municipality under board policy
He was allowed to speak after giving his town but put the board on notice that he wouldn’t do that again.
Things did not get resolved and Miller filed his suit.
He said that before the September meeting he had been warned in a letter by Ms. Orner not to attend.
Miller noted that as the letter had no force of law he was in his rights to attend and so he went.
And he was arrested for trespassing.
The arresting officers simply told him that the school superintendent didn’t want him on the property and presented him a letter.
Judge Karen S. Marston ruled on May 4, 2023 that the defendants were acting as private persons and did not have qualified immunity. Without qualified immunity, public officials could be personally responsible for all legal costs and fines.
It was about this point the letters started coming.
Miller says they are being sent to his family, a witness who is a law enforcement officer and his neighbors. He said the leaders contained threats and ridiculous slander including the claim that he was a kidnapper holding people for ransom.
The witness is East Whiteland police officer Anthony Falgiatore of Frazier, who expressed sympathy for Miller. Falgiatore is the lone school director not being sued.
Falgiatore had called on his fellow school board members to stop using taxpayer money to pay their legal expenses after the judge’s ruling.
Falgiatore quotes one letter he received as saying 100 a week will be mailed to his neighbors unless you and Tony admit lawsuit was a set-up and repay the School District at once! Let us know on FB by 11:59 PM, Friday, May 19th, 2023. Thank you Missy!! You still look amazing by the way,
Falgiatore says a similar letter was sent to the East Whiteland Police Department but with the added text: Tony – same offer that your wife and the JERKOFF received.
He noted that there was a social media campaign being spread agains he and his wife alleging that they set up the lawsuit trap the district.
“This couldn’t be further from the truth,” he said.
Falgiatore said that his chief boss got a phone call from the Pennsylvania State Police local barracks that handled the arrest, advising him that they were concerned about my testimony.
Miller said he is adding four state troopers and two district magistrates to his lawsuit.

Octorara Plantiff Getting Hate Mail, Threats
Postage stamps aren’t cheap. Follow the money…
Has the officer – East Whiteland police officer Anthony Falgiatore of Frazier – who received the letter contacted the postal authorities to investigate the threatener or harrasser / s ?