Presumptive GOP 7thD Nominee Unloads On Corrupt Bill Filled With Backroom Deals

The former U.S Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and Delaware County District Attorney who is going to almost certainly be the Republican nominee for the Pennsylvania 7th District Congressional seat being vacated by Democrat Joe Sestak for a senate run has spoken out on the health care disaster passed last night by the House of Representatives.

“Dems rammed through legislation that raises taxes on middle class & represents a government takeover of 17% of the economy,” Pat Meehan said on Twitter. “This is a bad bill filled with corrupt backroom deals to secure a bare majority of support. (The) bill could not stand on own merits.”

His expected opponent in November, State Rep. Bryan Lentz (D-161) has called the travesty “The type of common-sense starting point we need to lower costs for the consumer, improve the quality of care and help stabilize our economy.”

Where does the Democrat Party find such geniuses.

Hey Lentz, how about we put in the restrictions on access to lawyers that we just put on access to doctors and nurses and drugs? How about we restrict the actions of lawyers as we just did the actions of doctors and lawyers and drug makers?

It should be noted that Sestak voted for the bill, and was an enthusiastic backer.

Fightin’ Sam Rohrer To Speak In Newtown Square, Scotland

State Rep. Sam Rohrer, the underdog challenger to be the GOP gubernatorial candidate, will hold a town hall, 7 p.m., Friday, at Delaware County Christian School, 462 Malin Road, Newtown Square, Pa. 19073.

Rohrer represents the 128th District. The GOP’s endorsed candidate is state Attorney General Tom Corbett. The primary election is May 18.

And Dwight Weidman informs me that Sam will hold a town meeting 9-10:30 the following morning at the Scotland Community Center, Main St., Scotland, — the one near Chambersburg not Northumbria.
It’s a tough schedule he’s given himself.




Where Do Democrats Find Such Men?

When Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI1) was threatening to withhold his support from ObamaCare because of his concerns as to how it would endanger the weak and helpless he told National Review’s Bob Costa that Democrat Party leaders were telling him: “If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That’s one of the arguments I’ve been hearing. Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America? If money is the issue–come on, we can find room in the budget. This is life we’re talking about.”

Now why would any person with a conscience  stay with an organization that would choose such people as its leaders?

Of course Stupak ended up voting for the bill sans his amendment endangering all of us not just the weak and helpless. So maybe Stupak doesn’t have a conscience. Or maybe he is like Gollum and his conscience just can’t overcome his desire for pretty things and power.

How Pa. Delegation Voted On Health Care Fiasco

The House of Representatives, voted 219-212 at 10:49 p.m., March 21 to approve bizarre, destructive, restrictive and very unpopular changes to our health care system. Here is how Pennsylvania’s delegation voted:

Robert Brady (D-PA-1)        Yes
Chaka Fattah (D-PA-2)        Yes
Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA-3)    Yes
Jason Altmire (D-PA-4)        No
Glenn Thompson (R-PA-5)        No
Jim Gerlach (R-PA-6)        No
Joe Sestak (D-PA-7)        Yes
Patrick Murphy (D-PA-8)        Yes
Bill Shuster (R-PA-9)        No
Christopher Carney (D-PA-10)    Yes
Paul Kanjorski (D-PA-11)    Yes
Vacant Seat (12)
Allyson Schwartz (D-PA-13)    Yes
Mike Doyle (D-PA-14)        Yes
Charles Dent (R-PA-15)        No
Joseph Pitts (R-PA-16)        No
Tim Holden (D-PA-17)        No
Tim Murphy (R-PA-18)        No
Todd Platts (R-PA-19)        No

The bill will cost between $940 billion and $3 trillion; put the Department of Veterans Affairs TRICARE Health System under the auspices of the Department of Treasurey; greatly expand the scope of the IRS; and cause 30 percent of doctors to quit practicing.

All Republicans voted against it, and all Pennsylvania Democrats — except for Altmire and Holden — voted for it.

Remember, however, Altmire and Holden did vote to approve the leadership of the House that manipulated this monstrosity through.

Harrisburg City Selling Parks, Museums?

Harrisburg City Selling Parks, Museums? — Those interested in acquiring a farmers market or civil war museum may be in luck because the City of Harrisburg might very well have to unload the ones it owns to resolve its financial mess.

Assets that may have to be liquidated include the National Civil War Museum, the renowned Broad Street Market, The Pennsylvania National Fire Museum, and a whole lot of really nice parkland.

The city is very likely going to be the first in Pennsylvania to default on its loans.

It has long been run by Democrats.

Harrisburg City Selling Parks, Museums?

Harrisburg City Selling Parks, Museums?

Signs Of Anger In RTM

An email being circulated to residents of the High Meadow neighborhood in Middletown Township, Delaware County, Pa., is pointing out that members of the Rose Tree Media Education Association, which is the union that represents teachers and others in the Rose Tree Media School District, is “demanding increases of between 4 and 5 percent each year for the next four years.” 

The email notes that the School Board has consistently agreed to offer 2.5 percent annual increases for each of the next four years. 

“Yes the school board tried to be reasonable from the outset of the negotiations.  They should have started at Zero percent in light of the economy,” the email says.

The RTMEA voted to strike last month. To see what your teacher makes visit here.

Montco Dem Proto-Birther Continues Quixotic Quest

Montco Dem Proto-Birther Continues Quixotic Quest  — Philip J. Berg, truther, birther, former Pennsylvania deputy attorney general and prominent Montgomery County Democrat, has not given up his quest to show that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen and hence ineligible to hold the office.

Here’s the latest court action.

Montco Dem Proto-Birther Continues Quixotic Quest

Altmire To Vote No on OCare

Congressman Jason Altmire (D-Pa4) has told KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh that he will be voting no on ObamaCare.

Altmire, who was a “no” vote on the plan last November, had said he was considering switching.

He has ties to the health care industry and represents a fairly conservative district.

Herb Denenberg, A Great Pennsylvanian

Herb Denenberg died last night at his home. He was 81. The cause of death appears to have been a heart attack.

Mr. Denenberg  was born in Omaha, Nebraska but made his mark as a Pennsylvanian. He served as Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioner and was an Emmy-winning  reporter and host at WCAU-TV from 1975-to 1998.  He was also a columnist for the original Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, the Philadelphia Daily News and numerous weeklies, and, up until his death,  for the new Philadelphia Bulletin.

He had degrees from Johns Hopkins University (B.S.), Creighton University School of Law (J.D.), Harvard University School of Law (LL.M.), and the University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D) and sought the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in 1974.

He was widely heralded as a consumer advocate. He was praised by Ralph Nader and co-authored the Social Protection Plan of Puerto Rico, the first no-fault law in a U.S. jurisdiction.

He was Loman Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He also served as assistant professor of insurance at the University of Iowa, professor of law at Temple University, and adjunct professor at Cabrini College.

What he is most likely to be remembered for, however, is his investigative broadcast journalism. He was the subject of a story in Time Magazine  when people still read it back in 1976.  Besides the Emmys, of which he received 40, his reporting was recognized by
the National Press Club and he received numerous awards from the Philadelphia Press Association.

One story for which he will be long remembered concerned the sale of that Philadelphia staple the soft pretzel and forever changed the way it was sold and purchased. Vendors would buy the pretzels in bulk and sell them to motorists stopped at traffic lights throughout the city. These vendors would be on site all day and these sites really did not have any access to running water. Or any form of plumbing facility for that matter.

Mr. Denenberg’s crew filmed these vendors as they went about their work as they blew their noses and handled pretzels or spit on their hands to clean them and handle pretzels. The clinching scene was the man who returned from behind the bushes to resume his pretzel sales, obviously with unwashed hands. You see very few traffic light pretzel vendors today.

Mr. Denenberg’s curtain call concerning activism came with the Tea Party movement. He became disenchanted with the Democrat Party during the Clinton years and became even more outspoken during the Obama administration especially concerning health care matters.

He also became a harsh critic of dishonesty and leftist bias in the old media.

He was keynote speaker at the July 4 Tea Party event outside Independence Hall.

Mr. Denenberg served in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps of the U.S. Army.

He was a member of the board of Consumers Union and wrote popular consumer guides on insurance and health care.

Mr. Denenberg, who was Jewish, is survived by his wife, Naomi.

Gov Christie Would Defund Planned Parenthood

Gov Christie Would Defund Planned Parenthood — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie eliminates all funding for family planning services in  the budget he unveiled Tuesday. The vast majority of the money goes to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

The state allocated $7.6 million to the budget line last year.

New Jersey, like most states in the current Dempression, is experiencing massive budget shortfalls. Even if it wasn’t, though, there is not a legitimate reason why a cent of tax money should go to an abortion provider.

Good for Gov. Christie.

Gov Christie Would Defund Planned Parenthood