Theodora William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-26-19

Theodora, who was the wife of Emperor Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire, was one of the greatest and most influential women in history.

Her farther was a bear trainer.
Theodora William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-26-19
Theodora, who was the wife of Emperor Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire, was one of the greatest and most influential women in history.

Success in life William W. Lawrence Sr. Cryptowit 7-26-19

Success in life William W. Lawrence Sr. Cryptowit 7-26-19


Wr zhdu brxu khduw rq brxu vohhyh lvq’w d yhub jrrg sodq; brx vkrxog

zhdu lw lqvlgh, zkhuh lw ixqfwlrqv ehvw.

Pdujduhw Wkdwfkhu

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things; to the every day things nearest to us rather than to the things that are remote and uncommon.
Booker T. Washington

Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things; to the every day things nearest to us

Chrysippus William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-25-19

The philosopher Chrysippus died from laughing. He saw a donkey eating figs and directed a servant to give it some wine to wash them down. He thought the joke so funny he began laughing uncontrollably. The fit caused him to die.

Chrysippus William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-25-19
The philosopher Chrysippus died from laughing. He saw a donkey eating figs and directed a servant to give it some wine to wash them down. He thought the joke so funny he began laughing uncontrollably. The fit caused him to die.

Montco Green-lighting Apartment Construction We Are Told

Montco Green-lighting Apartment Construction — A little birdie told us that the The Montgomery County Commissioners, this morning (July 25) green-lighted a pile of apartment construction.

Our birdie said there was no consideration of traffic or increased school enrollment

“The suburbs are being converted into city,” our birdie said.

Montco Green-lighting Apartment Construction
Montco Green-lighting Apartment Construction

Win or lose William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-25-19

Win or lose William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-25-19

Qsaacqq gl jgdc gq dmslbcb snml yrrclrgml rm rfc qkyjj rfgleq pyrfcp rfyl rm rfc jypec rfgleq; rm rfc ctcpw byw rfgleq lcypcqr rm sq pyrfcp rfyl rm rfc rfgleq rfyr ypc pckmrc ylb slamkkml.

Zmmicp R. Uyqfglerml

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Win or lose, do it fairly.
Knute Rockne

Win or lose William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-25-19
Win or lose William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-25-19

Oldest phone number — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-24-19

The oldest phone number in the world in continual use reportedly belongs to the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. It is 212-736-5000. When the numbers were seven-digit-long and alphanumeric it was PE6-5000. Before that?  Pennsylvania 6-5000.

The second most famous phone number also has an exchange associated with  Pennsylvania namely Dublin Borough in Bucks County. It’s 267-867-5309.
Get it?
You got it.
Oldest phone number — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-24-19
oldest phone number in the world in continual use reportedly belongs to the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. It is 212-736-5000. 

Sick And Evil In The English World

Sick And Evil In The English World — Readers Vinegar Joe and Bob the Poet sent links about how twisted things have gotten.

Joe let us know about this July 19 story from Breitbart about how two men dressed as women read a story to children in Dallas called “What color is your underwear.”

The real scary things are that those running the library let this happen and the parents let their children attend.

Bob sent this July 16 story from The Guardian how a “man” gave birth in the U.K.

No, a “man” did not give birth. A woman who hated herself and her sex so much she went to extremes to mimic a man gave birth.

The problem isn’t individual with problems but with those who control social mores who egged her on. The idea should be that struggling people should not be encouraged to do things that cause permanent damage even if one will make a profit.

Things might be looking sick but remember this: Fate whispered to the warrior, you can not withstand the storm. The warrior whispered to Fate, I am the storm.

On the bright side, reader Tom C sent this link about how Catholics in Africa are boldly fighting this garbage equating the underpinnings of the New World Order with “sorcery”.

Sick And Evil In The English World
Sick And Evil In The English World
Hey Mayor, how does Islam handle this?

Pennsylvania Incumbent Protection Plan

Pennsylvania Incumbent Protection Plan

By Leo Knepper

A recent report from LancasterOnline outlines the cost of one component of the “Incumbent Protection Program” operated by the General Assembly:

“Welcome to the state Capitol, where elected officials and their staffs operate a massive, sophisticated and partisan media machine that costs taxpayers nearly $10 million a year at a time when the number of journalists serving as watchdogs on government is shrinking…In a building home to one of the largest, most expensive legislatures in the country, there are at least three of these television studios built to produce state-run, news-like programs for state lawmakers.” (Emphasis added)

That’s right, $10 million per year to operate three television studios and an impressive public relations (PR) operation. Each of the four caucuses operates their own private, tax-payer funded, PR firms. These slick PR operations produce everything from news-letters to tele-town halls to professionally made videos of lawmakers touring businesses in their districts.

Lawmakers would argue that all of these expenses help them to connect to their constituents. One has to wonder how many of these “essential” communication attempts would be made if lawmakers were term-limited. Or, if they weren’t trying to hold onto an $85,000 per year salary and a golden parachute.

The PR expenses are only one component of a system that the General Assembly has built up over time to protect themselves from the electoral competition. This year, the legislature has a budget of over $350 million. They abuse this system to build their own name ID and ensure they enter every electoral cycle with an advantage that is costly to overcome. Communicating with constituents is one thing, but most of these expenses don’t even pass the laugh test as being necessary to accomplish that goal.

Mr. Knepper is executive director of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Incumbent Protection Plan
Pennsylvania Incumbent Protection Plan

Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-19

Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-19

Sej kn hkoa, zk ep bwenhu.
Gjqpa Nkygja

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle:The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
Malcolm Forbes

Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-19
Purpose of education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-19

Jim Thorpe when Army William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-23-19

Dwight Eisenhower’s football career basically ended when he injured his while trying to tackle Jim Thorpe when Army played the Carlisle Indian School in 1912.

Albeit both Bushes flew in the military, Ike was the only president to have a pilot’s license.

Jim Thorpe when Army William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-23-19
 tackle Jim Thorpe when Army played the Carlisle Indian School in 1912.