Pennsylvania Man To Launch Crusade To Re-empower Sheriffs — A press conference is scheduled for 10 a.m., tomorrow Jan. 23 at the Pennsylvania Capitol in the Rotunda to educate the public about the usurpation of power by county district attorneys from county sheriffs, and how the state constitution has been amended unlawfully, says William Taylor Reil.
Reil is founder and CEO of the County Sheriff Brigades of Pennsylvania
(CSBP), introduced two documents that he has written and circulated.
Following the event, Pennsylvania citizens in attendance will hand-deliver copies of two documents prepared by Reil along with and a personalized “notice and demand open letter” to approximately 300 state officials and 50 established press reporters in Harrisburg and elsewhere in Pennsylvania.
Reil says that he will also direct the coroner in each of the 67 Counties,
as required by Title 231 Pa. Code § 400 ( c ) – Person to Make Service, to serve each county sheriff with these documents.
Also to be served will be all county commissioners, home rule council members, district attorneys and judges, Reil says.
Reil says those who want to help him should email him at
Pennsylvania Man To Launch Crusade To Re-empower Sheriffs
I don’t like to appear ignorant on the issues but what is the back story here please?
Here’s a little background
Thanks for the link. As a subscriber I recall reading the story before but did not attend that particular webinar.
I know all too well, the DA is the top prosecutor but has zero arrest power. What exactly is going on? Are county DA’s just doing what they want and sheriffs are just allowing it to happen? That sounds like egregious violations of the oath of office.
Is the statement “state constitution has been amended unlawfully” referencing Act 77?
I still think I’m missing the bigger picture here.
I’m honestly not sure, Joe.
Some decent people have the sheriffs as an issue and I’m giving them an airing. Doesn’t mean there is not another perspective or that they are even right.
Regarding the state constitution being amended unlawfully that certainly includes Act 77 but I think others as well.
BTW, Bill Reil has generously provided his email above. I think he’d appreciate questions and feedback.
Thanks for the additional info. Great idea to email Mr Reil as well. Thanks again!