Pennsylvania Trump Petition Problems — Nominating petitions for the 2020 election start circulation tomorrow, Jan. 28, in Pennsylvania and we have troubling news of sloppiness concerning those for President Trump. At least one glaring typo has been found and we are hearing reports of ill-trained circulators.
Typos shouldn’t keep the President off the ballot but given Pennsylvania’s partisan Supreme Court and pettily arcane ballot access laws who knows what trouble might be brewing.
Bernadette Comfort, who opposed Trump in 2016 and is an ally of never-Trumper Bob Asher, was strangely picked to run the the President’s Pennsylvania campaign.
Feel free to start the conspiracy theories.
Update: We just herad (Jan. 28) from a person involved in the process who says it’s not conspiracy but simple incompetence. We believe her. Call it the DiGiorgio legacy.
For the record we believe that Lawrence Tabas is doing an excellent job as Pennsylvania GOP chairman cleaning up the disaster he inherited.