Why The Secrets In Fayette County Elections? — Greg Stenstrom has let us know that the battle for election transparency still rages in Fayette County, Pa. with Republican Party establishment mouthpieces taking to the airwaves to claim the matter has been settled.
Greg Stenstrom, GOP commissioner candidate John R. Marrietta Jr. and others have sued Faytette County, a Republican stronghold, and its Board of Elections alleging that significant errors have been found in its primary and general elections of 2023.
Fayettte Common Pleas Court Judge Steve P. Leskinen had dismissed the request for recounts but the plaintiffs appealed to Commonwealth Court saying he had made several errors.
Stenstrom said that Leskinen has ordered that the plaintiffs list these errors and here they are.
They include Leskinen’s claim that the state legislature has exclusive power over setting elections when Article 1, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution allows Congress at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators; and that the judge failed to recognize that free and fair elections are intertwined with civil rights protection.
The plaintiffs also point out that the effort the county is spending to open ballot boxes — something that doesn’t not jeopardize voter privacy — indicates that the certainly have something to hide.
We find that to be a powerful argument. More and more are doubting elections and it isn’t because people are asking questions.
It’s because authorities are hiding answers.
Seriously Delaware County, what is the big secret with Fort Orange Press?

If Faytette County is considered a Republican stronghold, like Aston Township is considered a Republican stronghold, then it must be just another RINO menagerie. Like Aston Township.