If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

By Bob Small

Do Democrats believe in Democracy?

As Ronald Reagan famously said in 1980, There you go again. This time the Pennsylvania Democratic Party reacts in fear and trembling to the big bad
Pennsylvania Green Party by once again taking them to court to keep them off the Novemember Ballot. As though Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is afraid of Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins. I doubt that, and I doubt he even knows about the Pennsylvania Ballot Access situation. It would be interesting to get his reaction to this, but I’d be willing to bet we’ll never get that.

If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

Probably if you asked him, Joe Biden might think Howie Hawkins was a Pitcher for the Wilmington Blue Rocks minor League baseball Team whom he grooved a pitch to on one opening day.

The Pennsylvania Greens were forced, by a previous court decision, to go out and secure enough Petition Signatures, in this time of Covid, to be on the Ballot. Amazingly, they got three times the amount of required signatures. Amazingly, they still are being challenged. Shouldn’t the Democrats be focused on electing their Candidates rather than- To some of us, it feels like Goliath demanding the Referee measure David’s slingshot for the proper size requirements.

By the way, before anyone talks about the Greens “stealing” the Democratic
Vote, I looked at my personal vote and it said to me that it did not belong to any one political party, it only belongs to me. It does not belong to the Constution Party, Democratic Party, the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, or The Republican Party, If anyone has evidence to the otherwise, duly notarized, please forward it to me.

At a certain age, which I’m not revealing even under executive court order, you start to wonder how many more elections you might have in which to vote. If I can’t choose who to vote for, I can’t help feeling my vote, and my voice, is being “stolen”. Perhaps, if I can’t vote for the Candidate of my choice, maybe I will decline to vote. Some, perhaps, may decide to vote for the other Party Candidate, just out of pure anger.

Some progressives, not only Greens, may see this as Big Party Brutality and may consider this when they come to the polling place and/or mail in their votes.

Some of us need someone to vote for, not someone to vote against. Failing that, you obtain some of the results of previous elections.

So we end up with the question, do Democrats really believe in Democracy or is this another case of false advertising. Further, do we really live in a Democracy?

For more information about the PA. Green Party, go to www.gpofpa.org.

Mr. Small is a resident of Swarthmore

If Democrats Believed In Democracy Why Do They Fear The Greens?

Kim Klacik Ad — Democrats Don’t Want You To See This

Kim Klacik Ad -- Democrats Don't Want You To See This

Kim Klacik Ad –This may be the best advertisement in the history of politics. It’s from Kimberly Klacik who is the Republican running for Congress in Maryland’s staunchly Democrat District 7 , which consists of a about half of Baltimore and most of Howard County .

It’s about time Republican started telling the truth to win.

If you use Twitter share her tweet. If you don’t use Twitter share this post.

Kim Klacik Ad — Democrats Don’t Want You To See This

Biden Would Destroy Burbs

Biden Would Destroy Burbs — America’s suburbs would become unrecognizable if Joe Biden becomes president says The Federalist.

The Obama administration issued a regulation known as Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) in 2015. It claimed the rule would combat “housing segregation” in suburbs, despite the Fair Housing Act of 1968 outlawing such practice and despite the suburbs experiencing a natural and healthy integration.

AFFH would have required the municipalities of places like Delaware County to scrap zoning, build bigger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add mass transit. It would have been a federal takeover of local government.

The Trump administration killed it.

If Biden wins, he — or his handlers — will bring it back on steroids.

Biden backs a proposal by Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., that would withhold federal transportation grants unless communities sign on to AFFH. It would be almost impossible for many communities to decline this funding, and the feds would effectively usurp local government.

Life in Delco, Montco, Chesco and Bucks would change for the worse. Open space will disappear, taxes will rise and those the minorities who move to the burbs seek to escape, will be empowered to follow along.

Biden Would Destroy Burbs
We do know want this man or his enabler as president

Yes, crime will rise. No, it is not about skin color but character.

A far better solution would be to suburbanized the cities. Give the Philadelphia neighborhoods the power to set their own zoning and hire their own police and start volunteer fire departments. It sure would complicate life for the party bosses and their flunkies who get rich off centralized power.

Biden Would Destroy Burbs

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship — Breitbart.com is a news website that reports unflattering things about Democrats and nice things about Donald Trump and his supporters.

Because of this it is disparaged as “right wing” and “conservative” but, unlike the Washington Post and NBC, it doesn’t make things up, and it corrects its mistakes.

It has been learned that Google has suppressed Breitbart’s search visibility by 99.7 percent since 2016, when it was a major source of accurate information about both Clinton and Trump. Note that this accurate reporting did not make Google happy.

Anyway, Google has pledged to pull out all stops to defeat Trump and all stops have been pulled.

So if you don’t want to live in a feudalistic society with wannabe queens and kings pushing you around what do you do?

Don’t be afraid, don’t be discouraged by what you hear in the media and vote Republican, in person, on Nov. 3. There are far more people who see the evil that has taken over the Democratic Party than one would think via the establishment mouthpieces.

The cure for Silicon Valley censorship is Samizdat. Samizdat is what dissidents in the Soviet Union and other nations under the communist boot did to spread the truth. Individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.

We can still use social media.

Join Parler and Gab but don’t quit Twitter or Facebook. Especially Facebook as that is by far the largest social media outlet. Spread honest information about Biden and Trump and issues of the day — yes, the Biden’s kid flew to China on Air Force 2 and came back with $1.5 billion; yes, federal agents may have been blinded by rioters in Portland; yes the rioters are organized; no, Antifa is not a myth; yes, crime is soaring in Democrat-run cities; yes, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s murderous nursing home policy is responsible for the deaths of thousands; yes, high ranking FBI agents violated all sorts of well-established protocols and civil rights safeguards to get warrants on President Trump’s staff members etc. etc.

Spread these links yourselves via email, Facebook, Twitter and any other mainstream social media network to which you belong. Make screenshots of stories you think the censors might filter. It is harder to censor screenshots. Always be honest. Don’t be like MSNBC.

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship
Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship

Satan In Pennsylvania 5th District

Satan In Pennsylvania 5th District

By Olivia Braccio 

You hear it every four years: “This upcoming election is the most important one of our lives!” But what we’re going to face this November isn’t an election—it’s another epic battle in an ongoing fight to preserve our God-given rights, our freedoms, and everything else that makes America great.

Satan In Pennsylvania 5th District

War is being waged against the nation. But not by an enemy territory. The horrifying reality is that this attempted destruction of life as we know it is coming from our own elected officials. Their intent is to ruin this nation from the inside out. We have never seen anything like the past five months of oppression. Personally, I did not even know it was possible for legislature to impose these types of restrictions anywhere, let alone in a first-world country in the 21st century. If you’re alarmed by what you’re experiencing, good. It means you’re paying attention. Now pay attention on Nov. 3. People are focused on Trump and Biden, and anyone who knows me knows that there is nothing I could ever want more than for Trump and Pence to win a second term. But what many don’t realize is that your local candidates in your congressional, senatorial, and state representative districts have much more to do with your personal lives than the president. These are the people speaking for you and making decisions for you. You need to find out who they are and what they stand for.

If you’re still not convinced that the liberal agenda is being foisted upon unsuspecting members of society, or you believe it can’t affect you directly, check out one of the latest and particularly disturbing brainchildren currently being birthed by members of the Left. A Satanic temple is coming to Marple. This is not a joke. I wish it were. I brought this to our fifth district congressional candidate, Dasha Pruett’s attention a couple days ago and I know you will find it as unsettling as both she and I did. Fifth district residents, this specifically impacts YOU, and you know the incumbent, Mary Gay Scanlon, is not going to lift a finger to put a stop to it. According to a Patch article I came across giving the details of this project, it states that DelCo residents “shouldn’t be alarmed” and that the focus is an “altruistic, charitable” mission. A man named Joseph Rose, who founded Satanic DelCo back in February, is proposing its development. Yes, there actually is an organization called Satanic DelCo, and if you’re a Delaware County resident who didn’t know about this, I am truly sorry to be the one to inform you.

None of this makes any sense at all. Explain to me how a person can perform acts of altruism or charity in the name of Satan. And if a person truly is interested in giving back to their community, why would they even consider seeking an opportunity to do so from a Satanic temple? Why not a food pantry, an animal shelter, or a crisis pregnancy center? Something is off about this.

This is the kind of lunacy being promoted, and our job for the next three and a half months is to unify against it. It is no longer Republicans against Democrats. It’s logic and reason against senselessness. It’s people who care about the community around them against people who want to serve themselves at the expense of others.

Democrats, I’d like to address you directly here. Seeing as Dasha will need at least some of you currently living in her district to vote for her in order to unseat Mary Gay Scanlon, I’d like to take a minute to reach out to you and ask you to consider something: What if there had never been any such thing as political party? I know it sounds absurd; bear with me for one minute. What if political candidates ran with no label attached? Imagine that there are no such things as Democrats and Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party, or even Independents. I know there’s no way this could be a reality, but if none of us had the option of voting based on party, on a certain set of values put in place by an establishment, you wouldn’t be able to fill in a bubble on a ballot and just assume that candidate holds the same beliefs as you based on the letter next to the person’s name. People are drawn to what is familiar to them, to whatever reflects aspects of themselves. It’s instinctual. Of course you vote for your party’s candidates, that’s who you identify with. But if neither you nor the candidates belonged to any party, you wouldn’t automatically agree with any of them. You’d have to first examine the ideas each candidate is espousing in order to determine who aligns with you. You would have to pay close attention to see which candidate’s platform sounds most likely to benefit their constituency—which includes YOU.

If there were no such thing as party affiliation, and you heard some of the candidates saying it would be a good idea to defund or even abolish police, kill full-term fetuses, release prisoners convicted of sexual offenses and other violent crimes under the guise of preventing them from catching a virus, allow men into women’s restrooms and boys on girls’ sports teams, delete the past two hundred forty-four years of history…you wouldn’t think this person was fit to function in society, let alone hold public office. Some of them even feel the American flag is a hate symbol, and now a Satanic temple is coming to YOUR county…claiming to be doing acts of goodwill and kindness? Few people, when thinking critically, would vote for individuals championing these philosophies. And yet, this is the modern-day Democratic platform. The fact that these principles are attached to a major political party is the only thing legitimizing the irrationality.

So yes, fifth district Democrats, I am specifically asking you to vote for a Republican candidate. Again, imagine that Dasha does not belong to any political party, and neither do you. Let’s just look at her as an individual. As somebody who actually knows her, I can vouch that you’d be hard pressed to find anyone more personally invested in their congressional race. She’snot your average political candidate. She’s not a politician at all. She’s someone who already suffered through communism in the USSR and has taken it upon herself to prevent that type of government system from being instated here. It’s an interesting coincidence—or maybe it isn’t a coincidence at all—that certain events occurred simultaneously with Dasha’s campaign. She knew there were people running on a socialist platform, sure. Bernie Sanders. AOC. But neither she nor anyone else would have predicted that we’d be seeing the very aspects of socialism she has given warnings about, such as government overreach, civil unrest, removal of rights, and erasure of history, begin unfolding just a month after she filed. It’s terrifying, but will ultimately work in her favor—due to the current state of affairs, it could not be more self-evident how badly we need a person with her unique background and perspective in the House of Representatives. So in November, let’s not think about party at all. Let’s instead support and vote for individual candidates who advocate for law and order, rights and freedoms, common sense, empathy, and most importantly, love.

Ed. Note: Yes, Satanic DelCo is real and attributes to itself sweet-sounding values like: One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. Why not just call itself Christian? Because Satan is a liar and SatanicDelco isn’t interested in acting with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason. Satan is Hebrew for “One who plots against another.” Look at the roots and understanding will be found. Any group that names itself for Satan is by definition untrustworthy. The only way to make sense of what goes on in the world is to look at the Cross. It’s put high on our churches and worn around necks and is truly a sign of compassion and empathy. Why is that? It certainly wasn’t meant to be. It’s a horrific instrument of torture. It was the most evil thing ever built by man. You can say it was inspired by Satan. Now, though, it merely mocks him and reveals him as the loser he is. Satan isn’t to be feared. Be bold in calling out his lies and telling the truth.

Satan In Pennsylvania 5th District Satan In Pennsylvania 5th District Satan In Pennsylvania 5th District

Dasha Pruett Is Best For 5th District

Dasha Pruett Is Best For 5th District

By Olivia Braccio

It’s no secret that more women than ever are running for U.S. Congress this year—four hundred ninety, at least, breaking 2018’s record of four hundred seventy-six. But are any of them as cool as Dasha Pruett? I can’t imagine so.

Dasha Pruett Is Best For 5th District
Dasha Pruett

If you really want to see the American dream personified, look no further than PA’s 5th district GOP nominee. Having emigrated from the USSR, Dasha has a love and appreciation for the United States of America that is deeper than a lot of natural-born citizens, because many of the things we own and use every day, the freedoms we have always had, are all things she had to spend the first ten years of her life without. Her story—escaping a tyrannical government and starting a new life here in the States—is the precise vision on which our beautiful nation was founded. She knows better than anyone the perils of government overreach and knows how fortunate we are to live in a country where we have the rights that we do. I know she will be a fantastic role model as well as public servant for her constituents. People like Dasha are what make America great, and now she is running with the intention of keeping it that way.

I also know she is going to be scrutinized for the next four months—she already has been, but it will intensify as Election Day draws nearer, not to mention after she takes office. Every time I see a Republican woman running for a seat, I can’t really help but think of Sarah Palin and how she was decimated in 2008. I was twelve then—exactly half my life ago—and still haven’t forgotten it. That was the first time I really became aware of how much criticism Republican women take in comparison to other demographics of people seeking public office; let’s not even mention what Melania Trump has been subjected to since before our president was even inaugurated.

I wish I could build a wall of protection around Dasha, but seeing as that’s not one of my options, I’d like to say this: despite my proclivity to idolize each year’s GOP candidates, in reality I know they are just regular human beings. They bleed, sweat, and cry like any of us. Please keep this in mind before you go launching personal attacks. Even if you disagree with a person’s views, consider the tremendous amount of effort it takes to run for office. Take into account how much selflessness, strength, inner resolve it takes for a candidate to rearrange everything, sacrifice most aspects of their current lifestyle, take time away from their families, put themselves in the public eye, have doors slammed in their faces, and expose themselves to so much potential disparagement in the interest of improving their communities. It’s easy for anyone to sit around home and complain about the way things are, talk about what they wish would change, but she’s one of the people who got off their sofa and is actually trying to do something about it. I know politics are dirty by nature, just wish people would look at the human side of it. Before you say something, think about how there is a whole life, personality, and family attached to the name on that ballot. I know everyone dislikes members of the opposing party, but please try to look at her as an individual—Dasha isn’t just your congressional candidate, she is somebody’s mother and somebody’s daughter, somebody’s wife and somebody’s friend.

I cannot overemphasize how desperately we need people with a genuine appreciation for this country in the U.S. House of Representatives. Incumbent Mary Gay Scanlon cares nothing for the USA and apparently is pretty open about that fact. Did anyone see what she posted on Independence Day? A photo of a protester, carrying a desecrated image of our flag, with herself in the background. This woman is a disgrace to her district, America, and humanity as a whole. Ask yourself who you think is more fit to hold office: somebody who would show such blatant disrespect to her constituents and the nation she’s supposed to be serving, or somebody who is eternally grateful for the opportunities provided here and wants to ensure that future generations will also have that available to them. This is why it’s so important to vote based on person, not party. Although let’s be honest here—every major problem facing the US today is a result of poor Democratic leadership. Economic collapse, racial tension, looting and rioting, removal of rights, erasure of history, attempted defunding of the police…this is the new Democratic platform. This is not what anybody actually wants. This is only what ill-informed people think they want. And if they were to get their way, it wouldn’t take very long for them to see the repercussions and realize their mistake. But by then it will be too late.

As incredible as Dasha is, she’s not fueled by liberal tears alone. If you’re a 5th district resident and want her representing you in Washington D.C., then you have to help put her in that position. Donate or volunteer if you can; if you can’t, word-of-mouth does more than you think. Ask people you know if they’re registered at their current address, which congressional district they’re in, and if they know their precinct. Remind them that this election is on Nov. 3, and that they do not have to be registered with the Republican party in order to vote for a Republican candidate in a general election (yes, some people actually don’t know this.) If they’re not registered at all, it HAS to be done by October nineteenth in order to vote in the upcoming general. Encourage them to meet or at least research the candidates. Most importantly, V O T E. Dasha has an excellent shot at this election, but it’s not in the bag. It’s never in the bag. For her to win, YOU have to fulfill your civic duty and exercise your right. The power, the opportunity, to get her into office lies in YOUR hands—don’t let it slip through your fingers.

Ed Note: If anyone from the Mary Gay Scanlon wants to send us an endorsement column, we’d be happy to run it.

Dasha Pruett Is Best For 5th District

Donna Ellingsen Surprise Winner In Delegate Race

Donna Ellingsen Surprise Winner In Delegate Race — Donna Ellingsen will be attending the Republican National Convention in August as one of the three elected delegates from the Pennsylvania 6th Congressional District.

The others are former Chesco sheriff Bunny Welsh and Deborah Abel, both long-time GOP state committee members.

Donna Ellingsen Surprise Winner In Delegate Race

Donna, has long been, and with good reason, a thorn in the side of state Republican establishment. She was the only one actively opposed by feckless Chester County GOP and the Bernie Comfort-led state Trump campaign.

Congratulations Donna

Donna Ellingsen Surprise Winner In Delegate Race

America Under Attack, Not Just Trump

America Under Attack, Not Just Trump — A certain type of traditional Republican voter has feelings towards President Trump so emotionally driven reasoned discussion almost seems impossible.

America Under Attack, Not Just Trump
Man for the moment

Still, we will try.

President Trump in his time in office has removed us from the Paris Climate scam — you get that not only did this cripple our industry and strengthen China but required the US to pay for energy projects overseas, right?; destroyed “JV team” ISIS as a holder of territory; pushed for pipelines, opened ANWR for drilling; cut the Federal Register, the official journal of federal agency rules, to its lowest size in 25 years; and flipped the 2nd, 3rd and 11th Circuit Courts from radical progressive to quasi-sane, and may have done the same to even more extreme 9th Circuit; and quieted Iran by killing its top general.

He also was the first president since Reagan to stand up to China, which has imperial and totalitarian ambitions.

You really think the impeachment hoax concerned something Trump did wrong?

You really think the disturbances in our streets still have something to do with George Floyd?

It’s not just the President under attack, but all of us.

FWIW, searching for John Solomon will not lead you to his website, Just The News. You can find it here. Bookmark it and share it. This morning’s (June 23) lead story is Fired NY prosecutor was given Biden-Ukraine allegations in 2018 but didn’t follow up, emails show. It kind of gives you a new perspective as to what is going on.

America Under Attack, Not Just Trump

Sean Parnell Ad Brilliantly Shears Conor Lamb

Sean Parnell Ad Brilliantly Shears Conor Lamb — Sean Parnell, a crusader for veterans causes with a long tour in combat and medals including a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for Valor, is seeking to wrest Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District from Democrat Conor Lamb. Parnell spells out Lamb’s enabling of statute-toppling, American-hating extremists in the ad below.

Watch it and share it.

Sean Parnell Ad Brilliantly Shears Conor Lamb
Sean Parnell Ad Brilliantly Shears  Conor Lamb

Belated Congrats To Dasha Pruett

Belated congrats to Dasha Pruett who has been declared the winner in the GOP primary after a slow, slow, slow vote count. She now takes on incumbent Mary Gay Scanlon for Pennsylvania’s 5th District Congressional Race.

Belated Congrats To Dasha Pruett
Dasha Pruett

If you love your freedom and want to keep your police and peace, vote Dasha.

Read about her here.