Phony Josh Flies While Pennsylvania Dies

Phony Josh Flies While Pennsylvania Dies — David Galluch at Broad+Liberty points out that Pennsylvanians could be living in clover if the state wasn’t run by those who hate energy.

At least for most of us.

Phony Josh Flies While Pennsylvania Dies
Gov. Hypocrite

Of course, they love energy for themselves. One can’t go to a free Super Bowl party on a bicycle, right Josh Shapiro? That would be gauche. A private jet is required.

At least we hope it was a private jet. Josh isn’t really saying.

Oh, if he went commercial our poor governor would have been snickered at the whole night by his 1-percenter buddies.

Anyway, Galluch points out that Shapiro appears to be planning to maintain Pennsylvania’s membership in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which makes it impossible for Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry to operate.

“So much for supporting an industry that supports the employment of over six percent of our commonwealth,” he says.

Read his column, here.

Phony Josh Flies While Pennsylvania Dies

Shapiro Transition Team Revisted

Shapiro Transition Team Revisted –This is old news but let’s revisit, especially concerning our claim about how Democrats now in power are going to ignore the people they wooed to get them there.

The transition team Josh Shapiro formed in December to prep him for governor was nearly 300 people including lobbyists, activists, attorneys, executives, and former elected officials as per the Centre Daily Times.

The Times highlighted: Philadelphia FOP President John McNesby; ; Abolitionist Law Center Executive Director Robert Saleem Holbrook; Cheyney University Chief Diversity Officer Pamela Keye; Susquehanna International Co-Founder Joel Greenberg; Johns Hopkins Medicine professor Ravi Gupta; Former Pennsylvania Republican Party head Val DiGiorgio; Conservation Voters of Pa. political director Katie Blume and Former Pa. Democratic Party head Marcel Groen.

It’s was almost as though they were picked by Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young.

Note our old pal Val as in DiGiorgio was on the list.

Did we call it or what?

And we weren’t the only one.

Since transitioning, Shapiro has named Republican Al Schmidt as Secretary of State and former Montco GOP Boss Mike Vereb as Secretary of Legislative Affairs.

Schmidt was a member of the the Philadelphia Election Board. Write your own joke. Or use this one: We can now be confident all of Pennsylvania’s elections will be as free and fair as those in Philadelphia.

Vereb, well, he was the former chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Committee, and, like DiGiorgio who headed the state and Chesco GOPs ,he wanted Shapiro to win.

Please understand it is not about Republicans vs Democrats anymore. It is about thieves and victims. We victims have to learn to stand together. We have to stop being clipped by six-figure public pensions, inflated construction projects, and officials indifferent to suffering.

And we can do this but only if we boldly call out the crooks and stand together.

Shapiro Transition Team Revisted
Who would have though the head the state GOP would work for a Democrat governor? Besides us, we mean.
Shapiro Transition Team Revisted

Shapiro Wants His Secrets Secret

Shapiro Wants His Secrets Secret

By Bob Small

Due to the inability of our new governor, Josh Shapiro, to participate in any pre-election debates — he ran unopposed in the Primary and neither his campaign nor Doug Mastriano’s Campaign could agree on the details of a proposed debate– there were some unasked questions. One question he would of answered with a resounding no! would have been “will you disclose your inaugural donors.”

According to Philadelphia Metro, the Gubernator is not  legally required to disclose this information.

Whereas New York City and Philadelphia, along adjoining New Jersey, and Maryland and Virginia have such laws.   Aaron McKean, a lawyer who works for the DC-based Campaign Legal Center says “The whole goal here is to prevent corruption or even (my ital)  the appearance of corruption.”

He went on to say “Nobody is giving this money just for fun.”

Shapiro Wants His Secrets Secret
Man of many secret donors

Because Governor Shapiro’s inaugural committee was organized as a 501 (c) (4) he is not required to disclose the donor information. Many local arts organizations have been formed as a 501 c (3) and the law requires they must account for every dollar.  In a previous life, I was one of the persons who made these budgets match.  A big difference between a 3 and a 4.

Spotlight Pa has a great deal to say about Shapiro’s Secrecy.  I urge you to read the whole seven pages. Spotlight Pa. is a non-partisan newsroom connected with The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Patriot -News and other newspapers.y

Did you know that Shapiro asked his team to sign NDAs?

Pennsylvania’s previous governors, Corbett and Wolf released the name of private donors.

Meanwhile, The University of Delaware’s Biden Institute will not disclose its donors since Joe Biden became President.

Though this article is over a year old, there doesn’t seem to be any changes.

And yes, we do know who the corporate donors to President Trump were.

Shapiro Wants His Secrets Secret