Shapiro Transition Team Revisted –This is old news but let’s revisit, especially concerning our claim about how Democrats now in power are going to ignore the people they wooed to get them there.
The transition team Josh Shapiro formed in December to prep him for governor was nearly 300 people including lobbyists, activists, attorneys, executives, and former elected officials as per the Centre Daily Times.
The Times highlighted: Philadelphia FOP President John McNesby; ; Abolitionist Law Center Executive Director Robert Saleem Holbrook; Cheyney University Chief Diversity Officer Pamela Keye; Susquehanna International Co-Founder Joel Greenberg; Johns Hopkins Medicine professor Ravi Gupta; Former Pennsylvania Republican Party head Val DiGiorgio; Conservation Voters of Pa. political director Katie Blume and Former Pa. Democratic Party head Marcel Groen.
It’s was almost as though they were picked by Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young.
Note our old pal Val as in DiGiorgio was on the list.
And we weren’t the only one.
Since transitioning, Shapiro has named Republican Al Schmidt as Secretary of State and former Montco GOP Boss Mike Vereb as Secretary of Legislative Affairs.
Schmidt was a member of the the Philadelphia Election Board. Write your own joke. Or use this one: We can now be confident all of Pennsylvania’s elections will be as free and fair as those in Philadelphia.
Vereb, well, he was the former chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Committee, and, like DiGiorgio who headed the state and Chesco GOPs ,he wanted Shapiro to win.
Please understand it is not about Republicans vs Democrats anymore. It is about thieves and victims. We victims have to learn to stand together. We have to stop being clipped by six-figure public pensions, inflated construction projects, and officials indifferent to suffering.
And we can do this but only if we boldly call out the crooks and stand together.
300 people?! Who needs a transition team that big? Sounds more like it’s sized to match the bloated size of our Commonwealth government, than ensure a smooth transition. After all, it’s one progressive governor leaving office and one coming in.
Didn’t Mike Vereb work for Shapiro when Shapiro was attorney general?
You mean like the crooks in Aston Township that literally destroyed our township building and now demand a multimillion dollar facility to replace the former building? Those crooks?
Their job is to be stewards of township property but let the roof leak, rot and ruined the building.
They destroyed the former Mercury Gun Club property and acres of old growth trees. However “perennial gardens were planted in the middle of 452 and is already full of weeds, sink holes, trash and other debris. They have no concept of consequences to their actions. They hear “free money” in the form of grants and can’t pass it up. Then they brag about how they saved the (Aston municipal) taxpayer money but are ignorant to the fact that OUR property taxes and incomes taxes are directly affected by county and state grants.
Those crooks? Yeah, I’m calling them out. And if I can find three other patriots in the 1st, 3rd and 5th wards of Aston Township to run along with me then We will take them out (of office) and restore fiscal sanity to our great township of Aston. Dissolve the Ward System and go back to five at large commishinors. Corruption is bred and cronyism thrives when you only have to answer to your immediate neighbors. In a township of five square miles and 16,000 folks EVERY commishinor needs to be responsible and responsive to EVERY resident. Period. Instead they cede more and more of our power and Liberty to the county, to PennDOT, to anyone they can use as an excuse not to make the difficult decisions they are elected to do.
Who will step up and stand with me. Control of the board is on the ballot this May. I’m ready to fight for this township that has been so good to me but I am only one man.
Where are my Patriots?
Run, whether or not anyone is running with you. You can use your voice to amplify the message and spread it out widely to awaken the masses.