Bots Rule Web Says Study

Humans accounted for just 40.9 percent of web traffic in 2014 reports Bots Rule Web Says Study -- Human accounted for just 40.9 percent of web traffic in 2014 reports

The remainder are bots i.e. a software application that runs automated tasks.

Some of these are good bots that do things like index web sites for searches.

Others are bad bots that mine private information like credit card numbers in phishing scams.

The research firm Incapsula says the bad bots outnumber the good bots about 29 percent to 27 percent.

Distil Networks says the good bots outnumber the bad bots 36.3 percent to 22.8 percent.

Bots Rule Web Says Study

Lisa Esler Ridley Support

Lisa Esler Ridley SupportLisa Esler supporters spent two hours today, July 18, on MacDade Boulevard in Ridley from Monta Vista Avenue through Route 420. There were lots of honks of support and thumbs up from drivers with one man shouting Lisa, Lisa, Lisa as he drove into the Home Depot parking lot.

While her opponent in the 161st Pennsylvania State House special election has the support of the county and state Republicans, along with organized labor, which is spurning the official Dem in the race, and Mrs. Esler is but a wife, mother, grandmother, certified optician, and a school board director, this will be a contest.

And the GOP machine knows it. They are  ignoring the official Democrat and aiming all guns at that instrument of change that is Lisa Esler.

The election is Aug. 4.

Lisa Esler Ridley Support


Paul Mullen Salary Is Sweet

Paul Mullen Salary Is Sweet
Paul Mullen (right) trying to get liberal Democrat Joe Sestak elected U.S. senator.

Paul Mullen, who is running as a Republican in the Aug. 4 special election for the vacant 161st District Pennsylvania House seat, makes more than $130,000 per year as business manager of Local 654 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Why did the Republican Party pick Mullen who has spent the last five years working hard to get liberal Democrats elected to state and federal office? Why is extreme liberal Democrat John Kane supporting him this election?

Those are certainly good questions to mull.

An even better one is will Mullen quit his easy and lucrative job as IBEW business manager if he should manage to win the race, which we grant is anything but certain.

Pennsylvania  legislators are, after all, paid very nicely with the understanding that they are doing a full-time job. It seems rather hard to believe that someone can handle two such important well-paying jobs at the same time.

So will Mullen quit as IBEW business manager? Somebody should ask him but nobody seems to be able to find him.

His Republican opponent , Lisa Esler, has said she will quit her full-time job as an optician if elected. Further, she will not take the state pension. Further, she will work to cut the pay and perks of being a state legislator.

Unless you happen to be a special interest living high on the hog by milking the public cow, the smart vote in the 161st District on Aug. 4 is writing in Lisa Esler.

And on a related matter, Mullen is claiming he is no longer president of the Delaware County council of the AFL-CIO. Somebody better tell the AFL-CIO to fix their website.

Paul Mullen Salary Is Sweet

Muslim Killer Called ‘Tenn. Gunman’

There are times one just has to shake his head and wonder in what world those in the old media dinosaurs think they are living. Muslim Killer Called 'Tenn. Gunman'

Today’s (July 17) front page of The Philadelphia Inquirer ” screamed Tenn. Gunman Kills 4 Marines” regarding yesterday’s terror attack at a Marine recruiting center in Chattanooga.

The headline on its website initially read “Gunman grew up in conservative family.” It has since been changed to “conservative Muslim family.”

Well  the attacker with the nice traditional Southern name of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and brought here as an infant. He grew up in a devout Muslim home and espoused radical Muslim views on his website.

Pointedly avoiding consideration that Abulazeez theology was a motive for the murders is a laughable rejection of reality. That it is actually done is why it has become almost pointless to use the old media.

To call Abdulazeez “conservative” is perverse in today’s world. Why  do that? Because he believes in some god and follows a religious tradition? Would they call a Unitarian performing a gay marriage “conservative”?

Does Abdulazeez  believe in the sanctity of life? No. Does he respect our military? No. Does he respect the rule of law?  No. Does he agree with the First Amendment regarding religious dissenters? Sorta doubt it.

Does he accept that we are “Endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” Obviously not.

Those who answer yes to these things are to whom the label “conservative” applies in these modern times.

That the Inquirer would label Abdulazeez such shows that they are driven by anger towards their political opponents to such a degree that they resort to lies in headlines.

They must not be taken seriously.

Or trusted.

Political correctness is poison to truth. It is something that must be fought.

 Muslim Killer Called ‘Tenn. Gunman’


William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-16-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-16-15

Ever hear of Hans Longeth? He was a Norwegian who died in 1927. During his lifetime, he grew the longest beard — 17.5 feet — known to man. The beard was preserved and turned over to the Smithsonian Institute in 1967. Next time you are there, look for it.

Waldron Mercy Academy Right To Cut Teacher

Waldron Mercy Academy Right To Cut Teacher
By Chris Freind

The marriage between Waldron Mercy Academy and Margie Winters, the school’s former director of religious education, was definitely not a match made in heaven. In fact, it ended in a nasty, very-public divorce, with reconciliation seemingly out of the question. And both sides in this contentious debate undoubtedly have their axes to grind.

The issue is that Winters, who has been in a gay marriage since 2007, was fired after parents complained about her marital situation, a legitimate beef since gay marriage is contrary to Catholic teaching.

Par for the course, a group of Waldron parents rallied behind Winters, creating both a social and mainstream media firestorm. Also par for the course, many of those supporters are simply wrong in their thinking, a result of their entitlement attitude.

Here’s a look at the real issues in this case:

1. At the core, this is not about gays, gay rights or gay marriage. It is about a private entity exercising its right — yes, its legal right — to choose employees it believes are best suited for the business.

Pennsylvania is an at-will employment state, meaning employers have the right to terminate employees whenever they wish, for almost any reason — or no reason at all. Additionally, as a religious institution, Waldron is exempt from numerous government regulations concerning “discrimination.”

People are free to criticize Waldron’s decision or denounce it as bigoted, but the school is within its legal rights. Attempting to undermine that fundamental right is sinful.

2. Waldron is located in Montgomery County. So state Sen. Daylin Leach has been spouting off that it is in violation of the county’s anti-discrimination ordinance because some students receive Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit scholarship. He contends that because the school receives such “state funding,” it is not exempt from anti-discrimination regulations. He is wrong.

EITC dollars are not state-appropriated funds, but monies from scholarship organizations that are funded by businesses receiving tax credits for their donations. Therefore, the money comes from private organizations — not the state. Further, Pennsylvania has no statewide law protecting gays from workplace discrimination.

Bottom line: Let’s stop with all the extraneous talk about an anti-discrimination lawsuit, which would have no legal standing and only serve as a time-wasting publicity stunt.

Sidenote: Leach’s comments, while wrong in this case, should nonetheless serve as a warning to any entity taking government money. Once you’re on the hook, the government has you, and it will move in to regulate, dictate and do social engineering, because that’s what government does. Buyer beware.

3. Speaking of clueless politicians, Philadelphia mayor-to-be Jim Kenney blasted the Philadelphia Archdiocese, calling it “cowardly” after Winters was fired. Pay no attention to the fact that the archdiocese repeatedly stated it had nothing to do with Waldron’s decision (and why would it? Waldron is a private school not under the purview of the archdiocese. And disregard that Kenney fully admits that he has absolutely no knowledge that the archdiocese was involved.

After all, that’s the kind of shoddy leadership we’ve come to expect in Philadelphia: Shoot your mouth off on issues that are none of your business as a way to score cheap political points, while ignoring the monumental problems facing the city. Bad start for Kenney, unless he wants to achieve the impossible and actually make Michael Nutter look good. And at that point, all the prayers in the world won’t be able to save his mayorship.

4. The parents fuming over Waldron’s decision need to pipe down and remember a very basic, commonsense idea: We live in a free country, where you are permitted to make your own decisions. Translation: If they don’t like what Waldron did, fine. They can vote with their feet and leave. But they don’t get to change the rules just because they don’t like them — the same rules, by the way, they knew about when they enrolled their children.

Likewise, if Ms. Winters didn’t agree with the church’s position on gay marriage, she shouldn’t have taken the job. But she did. In doing so, she should have known that this issue was one that could — and inevitably would — rear its head. And in that case, she should have been prepared to face the music with dignity. Instead, the opposite has occurred. There are Facebook pages, fundraising drives, protests galore, vitriolic rhetoric (this is all part of the Catholic Church’s “discrimination and hatred”), and even an appeal for Winters and her wife to meet with Pope Francis when he visits Philadelphia in September.


Does everything we dislike always have to be made into a cause celebre by the frenzied, self-absorbed and sometimes imbecilic social media crowd, so often bereft of facts? And is it really necessary to place every “victim” on a pedestal, elevating them to hero, and even martyr, status?

It grows very, very old.

5. Anyone actually believing the pope will intervene has clearly drunk too much altar wine. There’s not a chance in the world of that happening. It’s a pipe dream perpetuated by those who cannot see the difference between a compassionate pope — “Who am I to judge homosexuals?” — and one who innately understands that keeping an open homosexual involved in a same-sex marriage as director of religious education in a Catholic school would open the floodgates, destroying the very essence of what makes Catholic education unique.

6. Where does it end? In the spirit of “mercy,” as we keep hearing from Winters’ supporters, what’s the harm in keeping her? Under that rationale, should it be acceptable for a Catholic school to employ a rabid pro-abortionist as a teacher, principal or, for that matter, priest, even if that individual is beloved?

Flip the coin. Should Planned Parenthood be forced to employ a devout pro-lifer as the person who counsels women to have abortions? Since doing so would be bad for “business,” and contrary to the organization’s goals, Planned Parenthood would rightfully reject that.

Would it be a good idea to have a vegetarian ideologue employed as spokesperson for a meat company? Again, where does it end?

Waldron’s decision was right, and the only one it could make to maintain its integrity.

Does being in a gay marriage make Margie Winters any less of a person? Of course not. Did she do a good job? By all accounts, most definitely. But the issue isn’t about Margie Winters. It’s about a Catholic entity adhering to the rules of the Catholic Church.

Should Rome take a look at changing, or at least updating, its positions on homosexuality, birth control, marriage for priests, and woman priests? Sure. Likewise, should the church be called on the carpet for employing heterosexuals who divorce, then remarry, since that is also against Church tenets? Good point.

Discussing ideas with full transparency should always be on the table, as honest debate often leads to long-overdue reforms. That doesn’t mean things will change, but constructive dialogue would allow the flock to feel that they have a say in their church.

So to those who think they’re entitled to change the rules of the church just because they don’t like them, say three Hail Marys and make a good Act of Contrition.

Waldron Mercy Academy Right To Cut Teacher

HB 874 Would Curtail Bullying

HB 874 Would Curtail Bullying
Union boss John Kane was upset that someone took a photo of his house with signs supporting “Republican” Paul Mullen. He was not upset, however, with union members photographing children at their school bus stop.

Last week we noted how a union boss upset that a photo of his house appeared on this site  had defended photographing children at a school bus stop if it was part of a union job action. The boss, John Kane, who ran as a Democrat state senate candidate last fall, spoke out against a bill last year that would have banned such terrorism.

Such a bill was necessary because Pennsylvania’s courts have held that threatening children and others are legal if done as part of a union job action. It died, however, when the state senate gutted it after union lobbying.

Well the bill, which prohibits harassment, stalking and the threat to use weapons of mass destruction by union members, has been reintroduced as HB 874.

It was passed  by the Pennsylvania House 109 to 84 on April 21 with just about all Republicans supporting and just about all Democrats opposed. Apparently Ds have no problem with bullying if it advances their cause.

The bill is now before the state senate. Please let your senator know that  you want to protect children from bullies.

Oh, and why was John Kane upset? On the lawn of his house he had signs for Republican-endorsed candidate Paul Mullen in the Aug. 4 special election for the vacant 161st District State House seat.

HB 874 Would Curtail Bullying
Lisa Esler will stand up to bullies

Wonder how Paul Mullen feels about ending the union privilege to harass children. Somebody should ask him but nobody seems to be able to find him.

Fortunately there is a candidate in the race who will actually do something about this garbage. Her name is Lisa Esler and you can find out more about her here.


HB 874 Would Curtail Bullying