People must be misled William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-15-24
Hyhub glplqxwlrq ri wkh olehuwb ri wkh suhvv lv iroorzhg eb d glplqxwlrq ri flylolcdwlrq. Zkhuhyhu zh vhh wkh iuhhgrp ri wkh suhvv lqwhuihuhg zlwk, wkhuh zh vhh wkh qxwulwlrq ri wkh kxpdq idplob lqwhuuxswhg.
Ylfwru Kxjr
Answer to yesterday‘s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The German has not the slightest notion how a people must be misled if the adherence of the masses is sought.
Adolf Hitler