Relief Request For Fayette Election Recount Filed In Commonwealth Court –A request for special relief filed with the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania this morning, Oct. 6, for a recount for the May 16 primary election Fayette County commissioner races.
Greg Stenstrom, John R. Marrietta Jr. and Geno Gallo are suing the county and its board of elections alleging that enough errors occurred that could have changed the outcome
Marrietta is a Republican candidate for county commissioner, and Gallo, a Democrat one.
Stenstrom is an election integrity specialist from Delaware County.
Marrietta’s tally fell short of qualifying for the Nov. 7 general election ballot.
Gallo, however, qualified for his party’s ballot.
Defendants have repeatedly said that there was just “one error” in the election. Stenstrom says, however, “a small sampling of precincts and ballots provided there were dozens, and in 187 mail in ballots alone, there were 17 votes attributed to the wrong candidate for JUST the Republican Commissioners race (a 9.09% error rate), and a 1.72% aggregate error rate when the the 1,487 in person mail in ballots error rate was computed. Election law requires a full recount when the error rate exceeds 0.5% (1 out of 200).”
Faytette County is south of Pittsburgh and Republican stronghold — just like Fulton County, Pa.
Below are their filings.
Relief Request For Fayette Election Recount Filed In Commonwealth Court
Do ya want crooked elections – then have election season with a flood of unaccountable mail in ballots that can be recieved many days after election is ‘over’ but results can be cured as necessary and have them centrally tabulated so the fewest number of people can create the maximum amount of mischief…
Do ya want clean elections.
Then have election day where every one shows up with ID and very limited mail in exempt military and those who noterized verified and requested mail in ballot ahead of time for that election only. Count all precinct ballots including mail in at the precinct. Report totals publically to the central tabulation area.