Bulgaria Disses Russia Comic Style
On the eve of the Bulgarian Socialist Party’s celebration of its 123rd Anniversary, some crazy kids decided to dress up the figures in an old Soviet war memorial in Sofia like American comic book characters.
And Santa Claus, and, it looks like, Ronald McDonald, too.
It certainly has peeved the Russians. They issued a demand to the Bulgarian government that it identify and punish those responsible and take “exhaustive measures” to prevent similar attacks in the future.
What those vandals better be afraid of is McDonald’s. The corporation is a ravenous grizzly bear when it comes to defending its trademark.
For those concerned about mocking the sacrifice of of the Soviet solider during World War II, please remember that the Soviet Union was Nazi Germany’s first shooting ally in the war and that the war never would have happened with the Soviet Union’s full and enthusiastic cooperation.
And those Soviet soldiers did not liberate Bulgaria but kept it enslaved for almost a half century until Ronald Reagan (well George H.W. Bush actually) ripped asunder the Iron Curtain.