Connecting Local Employers With Job Seekers — Joseph’s People – Delaware County Chapters will hold a virtual program on 7-8 p.m., Nov. 9 “Connecting Local Employers, Skills and Job Seekers”
Presenter is Gwendolyn Brown, the Workforce Initiatives Manager for Goodwill’s Job Resource Center in Lansdowne. Gwen has been in Workforce Development for Goodwill for six years in Workforce Development and is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Business Engagement Professional.
Gwen grew up in Philadelphia, then lived 11 years in North Carolina where she wrote a monologue that made it into a production.
The Job Resource Center of Goodwill of Delaware and Delaware County collaborates with employers and job seekers to create accessibility to successful opportunities. Through the combined efforts of their employment services and placement programs, Goodwill connected over 700 job seekers to employers in 2020. The Job Resource Center’s digital literacy programs equip job seekers to move into better positions in government agencies, healthcare, retail and more.
To receive access to the Tuesday, November 9th Zoom presentation one must:
1) E-mail your intention to attend this meeting to
2) Place “Connecting Local Employers, Skills and Job Seekers” in the Subject line of your e-mail.
Directions on how to participate will be e-mailed Nov. 8
Joseph’s People is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping unemployed and underemployed workers. Local affiliated chapters provide networking opportunities, guidance and emotional support to job seekers and career changers. All are welcome to this free event, without regard to religious affiliation. For information, visit or email
Connecting Local Employers With Job Seekers