Delco Ballots Allegedly Detoured From Counting Center — A emergency motion for a temporary restraining order to delay the certifying of Delaware County, Pa. results of the Nov. 8 election was filed, yesterday, Nov. 15, in Common Pleas Court.
Plaintiffs Leah Hoopes, Gregory Stenstrom and Nicole Missino would like the certification stopped until a hearing at which they would present evidence that the county detoured the election-night journey of the county’s physical ballots and v-drives for six hours into a closed building — which poll watchers were prohibited from entering — before taking them to the centralized counting center at the Wharf Building in Chester.
Read that again.
Physical ballots and v-drives were reportedly taken to a closed building without observers present and kept there for six hours before being taken to the counting center. This would shatter the chain of custody along with breaking the law that the ballots go directly to the counting center.
The plaintiffs say they can further show the county mailed official ballots to unverified voters and deleted at least 2,778 records of requests for mail-in ballots.
Also, the plaintiffs say they can show that the county deleted at least 194 voter registration records after Election Day of individuals whose mail-in ballots were counted in the vote totals, and permitted a partisan third-party to control and tabulate mail-in ballots.
Mrs. Hoopes and Stenstrom are poll watchers, while Mrs. Missino was the Republican candidate for the 165th District in the State House.
The motion includes affidavits from Joan Weber, Julie Yu and poll watcher Gavin Law describing what they have witnessed. They can be found here:

This is how it is now. Outright cheating and they have many judges on their “side”
who will forget their oath to the law.