FBI Confesses To Destroying Evidence To Convict Trump Supporter — Former Arkansas state senator Jon Woods got an a 18-year sentence after he was convicted in 2018 of taking kickbacks from a college for getting them grants.
A serious sentence especially for a state that hosts Mena Airport.
But if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
Did he do the crime though?
One of the FBI investigators, Robert Cessario, has pleaded guilty to “corrupt destruction of record in an official proceeding” in connection with the Woods case.
“I erased the contents of the computer hard knowing that the court has ordered that the computer be submitted for a forensic examination. I did so with the intention of making the contents of the computer’s hard unavailable for forensic examination. At the time, I knew that the contents of the hard drive were relevant to an official proceeding, that is, Cause No. 5:17-CR-50010, United States v. Woods et al. I corruptly performed and had performed, the erasures with intent to impair the integrity and availability of the computer hard drive and its contents for use in that official proceeding,” Woods said in a statement as part of a plea deal.
It’s pretty hard to say that’s anything but a confession to a frame.
End the FBI now, and free Woods.
Wood was the first politician in the state to endorse Donald Trump for president before his 2016 victory.