Invisible labor William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 2-24-24
“…bxlrjurbv vnjwb cqn jkxurcrxw xo yarejcn nwcnayarbn, xo yarejcn xfwnabqry xo cqn vnjwb xo yaxmdlcrxw, jwm cqn lanjcrxw xo j bhbcnv xo ‘yujwwnm nlxwxvh’ rw fqrlq cqn nwcanyanwnda fxatrwp oxa yaxorc rb anyujlnm kh j lnwcaju yujwwrwp kxmh.”
O.J. Qjhnt
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor.
Victor Hugo