Joe Gale Explains Campaign
I am running to be the next Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania because families and taxpayers across this great state deserve a proven conservative watchdog who can be trusted to clean out the cesspool in Harrisburg.
For too long, the Commonwealth has been disgraced by criminal politicians and unethical judges who have tarnished the offices they held and embarrassed the citizens they served. In recent years alone, State Treasurer Rob McCord pleaded guilty of extortion, Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced to prison, and two Supreme Court Justices were caught sending pornography on state-issued email accounts. Ending this culture of corruption demands leadership guided by common-sense and moral character: qualities which I will bring to the office of Lieutenant Governor.
In 2015, when the Montgomery County Republican Committee chose a former board member of Planned Parenthood and a tax delinquent as their endorsed candidates for County Commissioner, common-sense and moral character were the cornerstones of my successful grassroots campaign for County Commissioner. Primary voters were inspired by my courage to challenge a flawed ticket that lacked the core conservative values of protecting innocent life and practicing fiscal responsibility. Following my historic Primary Election win, resentful GOP party bosses at the county and state level colluded to spend over $100,000 in a desperate effort to smear me and defeat me in the November General Election.
That year, one of the GOP establishment insiders who funded the pro-abortion Commissioner candidate in the primary and actively opposed me in the general, was Jeff Bartos. Jeff Bartos paid for the mailing and distribution of a Republican Party fall sample ballot which excluded my name and ultimately led to the Democrat Party maintaining control of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. See Bartos Ballot.
To this day, Jeff Bartos remains a self-serving political opportunist. Most recently, he abandoned his failed bid for the U.S. Senate by jumping to the Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor’s race. So, don’t believe his current campaign claims that he’s a “conservative outsider” because the facts prove Jeff Bartos is an entrenched insider who has a long history of donating to Democrats.
Despite the sabotage efforts of insider Jeff Bartos and his party boss allies, I was elected Montgomery County Commissioner – the first in history to do so without the support of either major political party establishment.
Since assuming the role of Montgomery County’s highest elected office, I am the only Commissioner – Republican or Democrat – in over a decade to vote against a tax increase. In addition, I voted ‘NO’ to the county vehicle registration fee, led the charge against onerous business regulations, and exposed sweetheart backroom deals and eyebrow-raising campaign contributions that set the agenda of a courthouse controlled by left-wing liberals.
I have also used my influence to defend conservative values outside of Montgomery County. In 2017, when Reading School District was looking to place Planned Parenthood guidance counselors in Reading High School, I was the only elected official at the county, state, or federal level to go to Berks County and join disenfranchised families and students in opposing this depraved plan. That effort made national news when the Democrat school board said ‘NO’ in a 5-4 vote.
In 2016, I was honored to be the first elected official in Pennsylvania to formally endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States at a time when many were still discrediting his chances of securing the Republican Party nomination.
Among other things, Donald Trump’s primary and general election victories taught us that the electorate is better at picking winners than establishment insiders. As such, the nominee for Lieutenant Governor was designed to be elected by Pennsylvania’s 3.2 million registered Republican voters, not selected by gubernatorial candidates or GOP dealmakers.
In truth, I am both the proven winner Republicans need on the November ticket to defeat Governor Tom Wolf and the proven conservative watchdog Pennsylvanians need to restore common-sense and moral character in Harrisburg.
Thank You & God Bless
Mr. Gale’s website can be found here and he can be followed on Facebook here.
Joe Gale Explains Campaign