Issa Bill Would End Untrackable Govt. Spending

Issa Bill Would End Untrackable Govt. Spending — A bill was introduced June 13 by Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA49) that could change politics as we know it.

H.R. 2146, or the DATA Act, would create a website on which all government spending would be detailed using practices now in place in the common sector and with clear standards.

Isn’t this being done now?

Ho, ho, ho.

The White House controlled has been found to be off by $1.3 trillion  while which was created to follow the $787 billion stimulus program is widely regarded as a joke. For instance, it claimed federal money was distributed to 884 congressional districts. There are only 435.

Both sites have been called cumbersome and intentionally opaque.

Kudos Congressman Issa.

Hat tip PajamasMedia.Com.

Issa Bill Would End Untrackable Govt. Spending

Will Philly Finally Pull Itself Up by the Bootstraps?

This article is being published with the kind permission of Chris Freind

By Chris Freind

You have to give credit where it’s due.

Thanks to Mayor Nutter, folks have laughed more over the last two
weeks than at any time in recent memory. If laughing is good for the
soul, Philadelphians are in great shape.

What was so funny?

Watching Nutter keep a straight face while proposing another 10
percent hike in property taxes (which would be in addition to last
year’s “temporary” 10 percent increase and the 100 percent increase in
the city portion of the state sales tax), higher parking fees, and yes,
the resurrected sugary drink “soda” tax, which would impose a two-cents
per ounce tax on sugary drinks.

But Philadelphians’ collective rage at the Mayor’s ideas was downright priceless.

If it wasn’t so funny, it would be pathetic.


The fact that there is any outrage or surprise is inexplicable. What did these people expect?

“These people” being the 80 percent who just voted for Nutter in last month’s primary election.

No, that’s not a typo. A whopping eight of ten Philadelphia voters
ushered Nutter back into the Mayor’s office (a done deal, since he
cannot lose in November), welcoming him back for a second term with open

To those folks, a suggestion: stop doing drugs. They make you hallucinate.

What part of The Nut’s sham did you buy? That he would make the
city’s business climate better so that it could attract more companies,
thus creating more jobs? Freindly Fire is no economist, but it knows
that when you want less of something, you tax it. That’s fact, not
opinion. So based on the crushing levies being proposed, how exactly
the Mayor plans to incentivize companies to stay in the city, much less
locate here, remains a mystery
But how could anyone oppose the soda tax, since its objective is to
combat obesity? Oh wait, that was last year’s pitch, which was so
disingenuous that the proposal landed in the drink.

This time, the Mayor is taking a different tack, presciently pointing
out that no businesses — even the beverage retailers — will really be
harmed by the tax.

“These are individual business people who will make individual business decisions,” Nutter said.

Of course, the Mayor failed to explain how paying a mandated soda tax
— a certifiable job-killer — would be an “individual business
decision,” since failure to comply would unleash the city’s Gestapo Tax

When asked if businesses would leave the city, he stated, “No, that’s
laughable. I mean, that’s just a cruel joke… they’re trying to scare
people with these tactics.”

Spoken like a career politician who has never held a private-sector
job in his life, and has absolutely no clue how devastating the soda tax
would be on the city’s businesses.

Here’s what the Mayor doesn’t want you to know: a soda tax, while a
burden to all, would be especially harmful to the poor, who can least
afford another tax. Remember, these people are already living in what
is, cumulatively, one of the highest-taxed cities in the nation.

More important, there’s no such thing as a “tax on soda.” It’s a tax on people. Period.

Which is why the Mayor is dancing the Philadelphia Two-Step, doing
everything in his power to distract the voters and avoid the real

Mayor Nutter incorrectly believes that government and “government
money” creates jobs and wealth, when in reality, the exact opposite is

Government creates nothing, nor should it. Rather, it’s free people
in a competitive environment who are the engine of a thriving democratic
society. Government should be there to serve the people, not the
other way around. Nowhere is that more apparent than in once-great
cities like Philadelphia, where the economic lights are on their last

Math doesn’t lie. Two plus two will always equal four — whether one
chooses to admit that or not. Out-of-touch politicians like Michael
Nutter can promise an empty bill of goods to our citizens. But just
because he chooses not to acknowledge the real problems doesn’t mean
they’re not there.


The ball is now in City Council’s hands. They have the sole power to
approve or reject the Nutter tax proposals. While conventional wisdom
says the votes aren’t there for passage, nothing is certain, especially
with so many retiring Council members with “nothing to lose” if they
anger the voters.

Sure, the city is facing fiscal problems, but breaking the backs of
citizens to fix problems not of their making is simply wrong. Retiring
or not, what politician really wants his or her only legacy to be a
tax-raiser who presided over a violent, insolvent city with vastly
deteriorated city services?

It is rare that a City Council vote holds so much importance. In
this instance, the significance is not just whether a sugary drink tax
is passed or defeated, but the message behind that vote:

Will Philadelphia continue its decline by engaging in more of the same failed policies?

Or will it finally turn the corner, firmly stating that it will no
longer look to the state and federal governments for bailouts which only
serve to pass the buck on accountability? And that, instead, it will
pull itself up by its own bootstraps, embracing the spirit of its
citizens rather than crushing it?


Here’s the truth. Residents are leaving Philadelphia in droves — some
to make purchases across county or state lines to avoid city taxes, and
hundreds of thousands who are just leaving altogether.

If Philadelphia is to ever put the brakes on this exodus, and begin
the long road back to respectability, it is mandatory for City Council
to step up and resoundingly reject the Mayor’s sugary drink tax

Anything else will just be “sugar” coating a tragic situation — forcing residents to pour a drink much stronger than soda.

City Council, your 15 minutes are upon you.

Gleason Is Reason For Tax Subsidies To Wealthy Penn

By Bob Guzzardi

Annually, Pennsylvania’s General Assembly, dutifully, robotically, votes to give millions of middle class taxpayer dollars to the billion-dollar tax exempt University of Pennsylvania. Why? It makes not economic sense to give millions to Penn which is the second largest employer in Pennsylvania with a budget of $6.07 billion and an endowment of $5.6 billion and whose uberLiberal Obama-supporting President  Amy Gutmann is paid $1,367,000 annually.

It makes no sense to subsidize millionaires with tax dollars.

Pennsylvania, obviously, has other priorities.

Perhaps, like the millions that Republican Senate Appropriations Chairman Sen. Jake Corman enables for Penn State or the millions that Republican House Majority Leader Mike Turzai enables for University of Pittsburgh, there is political return on the investment.

Well, no. At least those schools have an affiliation with the state.

But Penn? There are few, if any, Republicans and even fewer conservatives on the Penn faculty and the students are reliably leftists and in any event, there is, likely, a miniscule number of Republicans or conservatives. So what political return for a Republican-controlled legislature?

None. No political reason.

But there has to be a reason and that is liberal establishment Republican Rob Gleason’s narrow, selfish, self-promoting, opportunistic self-interest and self-aggrandizement.

Gleason is the chairman of the state Republican Party.

He graduated from the Wharton School in 1961 and was appointed a trustee of Penn in 1998.

Rob Gleason wins.  Middle Class Pays.

Best Website In Philly

Best Website In Philly — BillLawrenceOnline.Com has been named “Best Overall Website” in this year’s Philadelphia Press Association Contest.

In second place was KYW-CBSPhilly.Com while DailyLocalNews.Com took third.

BillLawrenceOnline also swept the Editorial and News Writing website categories receiving first place in Editorial for It’s A Thug’s Life At Drexel Or Culture Counts and first place in News Writing for Did 35,000 Scouts Boo Obama?

The site took second place in the Editorial category for Pennsylvanians, Prepare For Serious Pension Pain and third place for Should We Cut The Size Of The Pa. Legislature?

The site took second place in News Writing for Springfield Murder Motive Reportedly Love Triangle and third place for The Crucifixion Of Greg Skrepenak.

The Grand Award for Public Service went to NJN Public Television for “Decoding Autism”.

The Public Service Award For Daily Newspapers went to the Courier-Post for Jeremy Rosen’s articles regarding the Medford, N.J. police chief.

Overall Weekly Coverage was won by The Jewish Exponent.

Breaking News Television was won by LIsa Voyticki of WZBN who won several other awards.

Radio Public Service was won by KYW for “The New Spin On Gambling”.

Click here for a complete list of winners.

Best Website In Philly


Best Website In Philly

Forget a Healthy Nation – Get Rid of Obama

of Good Government the Republican Congressional focus has been
to “Get Obama,” through the use of various soft war
(Psychological Warfare Techniques) developed and perfected by use on
developing nations. This consisted of creating an image of
incompetent governance through the media, focusing on specific areas
that needed to be fixed, and then working to reinforce the idea of
incompetency by purposefully sabotaging the government so those areas
couldn’t be.

examples of this:

allowing the Democrats to enact legislation aimed at addressing the
financial and economic crisis by forcing the Democrats to water down
the stimulus packet to push it through, and then broadcasting
propaganda about high unemployment due to the “Failed Stimulus.”

media attack that accused Obama of trying to brain-wash children when
welcomed American students back to school in 2009 and told them to
work hard.

crisis in American health care and a palliative care option being
reduced to nothing more than the government denounced as taking away
freedoms and imposing “death panels.”

like oil man David Koch and media mogul Murdoch, promoting a
“grassroots” rebellion against Obama called the Tea Party
bringing guns to rallies, making racist remarks, or at the least not
denouncing them when they were being made. All of these thing
happened within the first two years of the Obama Presidency.

set the stage for the Right Republican comeback. The party swept to
victory in the House and fell just short in the Senate. There is
still no health care and no jobs for the unemployed. Liberals,
Conservatives, and Progressives find themselves struggling to
maintain the civil and human rights fought for and won by patriots of
the past like the eight hour work day, child labor laws, public
education, and the Commonwealth of the nation. The goal for the
Republican Party, however, is not a better America, but the White
House with all its executive powers.

Robert Parry writes, “The Right’s best hope for regaining
complete control of the U.S. government in 2012 is to sink the U.S.
Economy. Already, the Republican success in limiting the scope of
the stimulus package and then labeling it a failure – combined with
deep cuts in local, state and federal government spending – have
helped push the economy back to the brink where a double-dip
recession is now a serious concern.

these worries – and a warning from Moody’s about a possible
downgrade on U.S. debt if Congress delays action on raising the debt
limit – the Republicans are vowing more brinksmanship over the
debt-limit vote. Before acting, they are demanding major
reductions in government spending (while refusing to raise taxes on
the rich).”

of all of the racial, ethnic, sexual, and religious splits created by
the constant soft war techniques used to divide and conquer We the
, it seems that the Right will be successful at this task,
and all of us will meet together in the poor house.

we, as a nation, cannot build consensus before this happens and move
this nation toward the dream of our great fathers and mothers instead
of just struggling to be on top of some other group, we need not
worry too much about who wins. Most of us, the 90% sharing 10% of
the wealth of the nation, will be in the bottom of the same boat,
chained to the same oars, cursing and fighting while we are forced to
row to the same old drumbeat: If you work hard, you can pull
yourself up by your bootstraps too; bootstraps made in China.

Daylin Leach Blog Embarrassment

Daylin Leach Blog Embarrassment — Way before Congressman Tony Weiner’s Twitter escapades, State Sen. Daylin Leach (D-17) had his own issue with the internet.

While Leach didn’t flirt with indecent exposure or corruption of minors on the blog he ran in 2005 while a state representative for the 149th District,  he did write some pretty weird  things that one would prefer not to have come from the mind of someone who makes our laws.

These include, as per this archive of the blog, LeachVent,  things like:

People think bachelor parties are an American tradition, as American as apple pie, or racial profiling.

Whether it’s a singing debut or a custody hearing, whether your wife is
arranging a surprise party, or your friends are arranging an
intervention, whether you are hosting a bake sale for your glee club, or
a pig roast for NAMBLA, I will be happy to publicize it.

Leach killed the blog after negative publicity in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Leach certainly isn’t not beyond the pale of forgiveness for these missives but voters ought to give a double look at someone who blithely once implied racial profiling isn’t unAmerican and would not look with loathing and disgust at NAMBLA  (North American Man/Boy Love Association), which is an organization aimed at making child molestation socially acceptable.

Hat tip Bob Guzzardi.

And while on the topic of Congresman Weiner and Democrat values, the old media has made attempts to equate his scandal  with the scandal involving David Vitter, a Republican senator from Louisiana.

For those interested in comparing past scandals, here’s how  Weiner’s differs from those of Bill Clinton.

1. Weiner has yet to commit perjury and lose his law license.

2. Weiner has yet to be accused of premeditated, forcible rape.

3. Weiner has yet to be accused of premeditated, forcible rape and be unwilling to personally and definitively deny the accusation.

4. Weiner has yet to be accused of threatening unruly ex-girlfriends with destruction, death or disfigurement.

5. Weiner has yet to have been shown to have sodomized anyone with a cigar.

6. Weiner has not been found to have used people on the public payroll — including police officers under his command — to have gotten girls for him.

7. Weiner is being condemned by his fellow Democrats who are demanding that he resign.

Just want to help out the Democrats of this state, including Daylin Leach, and keep things in perspective.

Daylin Leach Blog Embarrassment

Daylin Leach Blog Embarrassment -- Way before Congressman Tony Weiner's Twitter escapades, State Sen. Daylin Leach (D-17) had his own issue with the internet.

Candidates To Support In Montco

By Bob Guzzardi

Not only does Gordon Clement, MD, have superior qualifications for the job of Montgomery County coroner, he reminds us that one of the roles of coroner is to remember those people and families who have been left behind.

Clement is the child of immigrants who came to America because they wanted something better and were willing to work for it.

Expertise and skill are critical to getting a result but they are not enough. The patient, the client, the customer has to believe that you know what he or she needs. It is a lot more than skill, or expertise or a product. All are in the service of an individual with all his and her complexity. I have met Dr. Clement who is truly a gentle  man, compassionate and a super nice guy. Dr. Clement is exceptionally well qualified to be Montgomery County’s coroner.

Every Vote Counts
Dr. Clement is out meeting voters. In 2007, he lost by 586 out of 148,360 votes demonstrating that every vote counts. Coroner
Walter I. Hoffman (D). . .  74,473
Gordon S. Clement (R). . . 73,877

There were 153,133 votes cast for DA in that same election.

Another candidates for Montgomery County candidates to get behind is Moon Ahn, for clerk of  courts.

Ahn is a life-long Republican and a first generation immigrant.  Like many of our parents and grandparents, he and his family came to America because he wanted something better and was willing to work for it.

Make Teachers Filthy Rich

It was described here months ago how to make good teachers filthy rich and so it shall be reiterated.

Per pupil spending in Pennsylvania in 2009 was $14,420.  Most school districts in Pennsylvania have a school year of about 190 days with the state mandate being 180 days.

To make Pennsylvania teachers filthy rich — and save taxpayers money:

End all local school spending so all the money comes from Harrisburg.

Give each person up to age 18 an educational voucher of $5,000 per school year to be spent on a standard, state-approved curriculum.

Cut the school year to 120 days which will allow teachers to reasonably teach two school years in a calendar year.

Allow a maximum class size of 30 pupils which those of us who grew up in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s experienced and which can easily be handled by a competent teacher.

So with $5,000 x 2 school years x 30 pupils per school year teachers would be guaranteed $300,000 revenue per year. Of course, just as other professionals such doctors and lawyers, they would have to bear the cost of insurance,  building space and other expenses but it is very unlikely that that would exceed $50,000 per year.

So competent teachers could look forward to incomes of at least $250,000 per year under this plan and I for one would be quite happy for them.

Especially as it would mean more over all education –240 days vs 190 days — and an overall tax decrease –$10,000 per pupil vs $14,420 (2009).

Make Teachers Filthy Rich


Make Teachers Filthy Rich

Jesus Was Libertarian

Posted at the requested of Katie who was pondering whether Jesus was a liberal or conservative.

I think Jesus was libertarian. He gives us total freedom to choose with the consequences coming only after we make our choices. Rich people have to give to the poor but He doesn’t make them. People must pray and honor God but He doesn’t make them.

He didn’t kick down the door of the rich guy’s house, take his money and give it to Lazarus at the gate which is what the left pretends to do. And of course He didn’t refrain from saying what the ultimate fate of the rich guy was, which would be a message Ayn Rand conservatives would not want to hear.

He didn’t use force to stop the stoning of the adulteress, He just shamed those who wanted to do it into considering what it was they wanted to do.

And of course, He didn’t enforce the law commanding that the adulteress be stoned.

So I think Jesus was a libertarian.

Judas, OTOH, was the classic lefty.

Jesus Was A Libertarian

 Jesus Was Libertarian

Ardmore Greenlighted To Become Philly West

This article from Montco Tea Party activist Bob Guzzardi is just one more example of how the self-appointed smarter-than-thou set seeks to turn everyone else into Happy Hamsters.

By Bob Guzzardi

The Federal Transit Authority has greenlighted the Ardmore Transit Center project, which will put a mixed-used high-density development in the heart of the neighborhood’s business district.

How can this project NOT have a significant impact on surrounding area. Isn’t that the point? To revitalize Ardmore with a major and dramatic project.

Some of us like Ardmore uncongested with traffic and nonurban. What is the point of converting Ardmore or Bala Cynwyd or Lower Merion into Philadelphia West? If someone wanted urban, he or she would live in Philadelphia which is high density urban, not low density suburban which is why many moved here.
If this were a good idea, private investors would invest as saver-investors are doing at the Palmer Theological Seminary project.

If someone wanted urban, he or she would live in Philadelphia which is high density urban, not low density suburban which is why many moved here.

Ardmore Greenlighted

Ardmore Greenlighted To Become Philly West