Pedophilic Antifa Cowardice Revealed In Portland — The weekend’s event in Portland showed Antifa to be the corrupt, misogynistic cowardly thugs that some of us have long understood them to be.
Here they are abusing a female journalist.
Here they are abusing a woman walking her dog.
Why aren’t the authorities in certain places stopping them. Can you say George Soros purchased law enforcement? We knew you could.
Yes Antifa is filled with pedophiles.
Again, nice shooting Kyle Rittenhouse.
For an honest history of Antifa check out front-line journalist Andy Ngo’s bestseller, Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy.

When my daughter and I went to NYC for a rally protesting Di Blasio’s mask mandate to start Sept. 13th, there were about 6 or 7 Antifa there. They were silly and acted like children. Nothing to be afraid of there. I think they are worse in Portland.
There was a good amount of police presence that day, so maybe that is why the thugs were subdued.
That the behavior exhibited in Portland is allowed to continue is ridiculous.