Pennsylvania Supremes Laugh At Constitution With Mail-In Decision

Pennsylvania Supremes Laugh At Constitution With Mail-In Decision — The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, yesterday (Aug. 2), declared that mail-in voting as per Act 77 is allowed under the state Constitution.

The vote was 5-2 with all Democrats voting yes and the Republicans dissenting.

Here’s the wording regarding absentee voting in the State Constitution:

§ 14.  Absentee voting.
        (a)  The Legislature shall, by general law, provide a manner
     in which, and the time and place at which, qualified electors
     who may, on the occurrence of any election, be absent from the
     municipality of their residence, because their duties,
     occupation or business require them to be elsewhere or who, on
     the occurrence of any election, are unable to attend at their
     proper polling places because of illness or physical disability
     or who will not attend a polling place because of the observance
     of a religious holiday or who cannot vote because of election
     day duties, in the case of a county employee, may vote, and for
     the return and canvass of their votes in the election district
     in which they respectively reside.

Either our Supreme Democrats are illiterate or they just don’t care about the rule of law.

The process for amending the Pennsylvania Constitution requires approval in consecutive legislative sessions followed by a referendum. A law like Act 77 doesn’t suffice.

When judges say round is square and black is white and can’t tell the difference between men and women, whitecaps are on the water.

The case decided was Doug McLinko vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State et al. No. J-18A-2022, J-18B-2022, J-18C-2022, J-18D-2022, and J-18E-2022

Hat tip

Pennsylvania Supremes Laugh At Constitution With Mail-In Decision
Pennsylvania Supremes Laugh At Constitution With Mail-In Decision

Dinosaur Republicans Backing Shapiro This November

Dinosaur Republicans Backing Shapiro This November — The sagacious Dom Giordano’s July 13 column in Delaware Valley Journal notes that ancient Republicans are uniting with Democrats to try to keep Doug Mastriano from beating Josh Shapiro, Nov. 8, and becoming Pennsylvania’s next governor.

Former Bucks County Congressman Jim Greenwood and Craig Snyder, who had been the late Sen. Arlen Specter’s Chief of Staff have created the political action committee Republicans4Shapiro.

Also involved are Robert Jubelirer, who ruled the Republicans in the Pennsylvania State Senate between 1984 until his shocking primary defeat to John Eichelberger in 2006; Joe Conti, a former state rep and senator who would go on to become chief executive officer of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; and several people who served in the Thornburgh Administration back in the 1980s.

Yes, the uniparty is again exposed. You seriously think Shapiro is a man-of-the-people Roosevelt Democrat? He was counsel at Stradley Ronon while he ruled the Montco Ds and it’s board of commissioners. He was buds with Val DiGiorgio while DiGiorgio chaired the Chesco Republicans and then state GOP.

Dinosaur Republicans Backing Shapiro This November
Dom Giordano

He even got DiGiorgio’s wife a high-paying, do-nothing job with Montgomery County.

Val chaired Stradley Ronon’s banking and public finance sections while he was standing in the sun albeit the lobbying law firm had to kick him to the curb after he fell from grace.

Bet your bippy that while Val may not have officially signed up for Republicans4Shapirio he is given them secret smiles and covert thumbs-up.

Uniparty-types do not care about minorities — and never did. They do not care about the working class. They do no care about the middle class. They don’t care about the elderly. They don’t care about kids. They care only about themselves, soft living and having you kiss their rings.

Anyway Dom writes about his interview with Greenwood who seemed to pine for the days when people in country clubs were taken seriously.

“After my interview with Greenwood, I’m convinced that his group is so deranged by Trump that they have embraced Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro without meeting with him and projecting what he would do as governor,” Dom writes. “Greenwood admitted this, but told me his group believes Shapiro to be ‘thoughtful.'”

Read Dom’s article here. Listen to him weekedays noon-3 p.m. on WPHT 1210 AM.

Hat tip Susan Jane Goldner

Dinosaur Republicans Backing Shapiro This November t

SCOTUS Quaked Feudalists Malone Explains

SCOTUS Quaked Feudalists Malone Explains — The brilliant Dr. Robert Malone — who can make a strong case as the inventor of mRNA vaccines if the title was limited to but one — has an insightful explanation as to why the Supreme Court and the Constitution itself are under attack from establishment media.

Yes, there are well-paid people working for rich and long-established media outlets sowing seeds to abolish the Constitution.

SCOTUS Quaked Feudalists Malone Explains
Dr. Robert Malone

The angst is inspired by Supreme Court decisions that weaken the power of the regulatory agencies. Really, it’s not about social issues. Dobbs does not make abortion illegal after all. West Virginia v. the Environmental Protection Agency, however, stops unelected bureaucrats from arbitrary imposing its will on elected representatives and private individuals

And these unelected bureaucrats and the establishment media are the loyal minions of very rich corporatists and want to create a world-wide neo- feudalism where they rule, and we work and obey.

“A Supreme Court with members committed to states’ rights doctrines, willing and able to implement measures to hobble federal regulatory agency powers, just might be able to succeed in kneecapping federal authority and bringing the hounds of the Administrative State back under control,” Malone says.
“Maybe. If we are lucky.”

And that’s why they hate Donald Trump so much. They thought he was one of theirs but he turned out to be one of ours.

Read Dr. Malone’s column here.

SCOTUS Quaked Feudalists Malone Explains

1776 Restoration Movement Not Getting Much Publicity

Bob Small sent us the below vid from July 6 regarding the The 1776 Restoration Movement truckers convoy which had set up camp on the National Mall.

Haven’t seen a lot of press about it. The Beltway denizens seem upset with it though

The movement’s leader David “Santa” Riddell has been arrested. Oh, if only he had just attacked some elderly Republicans or something, he’ still be a free man.

1776 Restoration Movement Not Getting Much Publicity
David “Santa” Riddell being cuffed
1776 Restoration Movement Not Getting Much Publicity

Transgenders Abuse Women In California Prisons

Transgenders Abuse Women In California Prisons — You hear about that recent court case where a famous actress left an unwelcome gift on the bed to her famous actor husband?

Of course you did.

Did you hear about the on-going case were a female inmate in California is begging to be put in an all-female prison because she is being sexually assaulted by men claiming to be women?

Kinda doubt it.

The case is Janine Chandler et al vs. California Department of Corrections and targets a new California state law, the “The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act,” (SB 132), that allows any prisoner who self-identifies as a woman — including prisoners with penises who may have stopped taking hormones — into women’s prisons. 

Matt Taibbi has a story about it on Substack.

Please fellow citizens become aware. Women of America stop being manipulated. You are allowed to be angry. Turn off the garbage that poisons your minds, whether it’s a sit-com or Good Morning America or broadcast news.

These people hate you and they don’t think of you has human beings.

Get mad and look for alternatives.

People are being convinced to destroy themselves — and others, even children — just to be hip.

News flash: Women don’t have penises. Really. Stop voting for those who say they do which is basically all Democrats including Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman.

Transgenders Abuse Women In California Prisons

Transgenders Abuse Women In California Prisons

Unvaxxed Heroes Of Canada

Unvaxxed Heroes Of Canada — Canadian writer Susan Dunham describes on Medium the cruel persecution the unvaxxed suffered in her country.

We invented a new rubric for the good citizen and — failing to be one ourselves — took pleasure in scapegoating anyone who didn’t measure up. After months of engineered lockdowns, having someone to blame and to burn simply felt good.

So we cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated. The best we can do is sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so many aside.

Most of us who pilloried the noncompliant did it because it seemed like certain victory, like the unvaccinated would never make it through unbroken. Indeed, the promised new normal looked unbeatable, so we sided with it and made punching bags out of the holdouts.

She says the unvaxxed did not break and that they may have saved her country.

But betting against them has been a scathing embarrassment for many of us who’ve now learned that the mandates only had the power we gave them.  It was not through quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every doorway. It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down.

Read the whole thing here.

Unvaxxed Heroes Of Canada

Questions For California Courtesy Of Victor Davis Hanson

Questions For California Courtesy Of Victor Davis Hanson — Noted scholar Victor Davis Hanson asks these questions regarding his home state of California:

Why does the state that formerly served as a model to the nation regarding transportation now suffer inferior freeways while its multibillion-dollar high-speed rail project remains an utter boondoggle and failure? 

Why was its safe and critically needed last-remaining nuclear power plant scheduled for shutdown (and only recently reversed) as the state faced summer brownouts? 

Why did its forests go up in smoke predictably each summer, as its timber industry and the century-old science of forest management all but disappeared from the state?

Why do the state’s criminals so often evade indictment, and if convicted are often not incarcerated—or are quickly paroled? 

Why are its schools’ test scores dismal, its gasoline the nation’s highest-priced, and the streets of its major cities fetid and dangerous—in a fashion not true 50 years ago or elsewhere today?

And he provides an answer:

In a word, the one-party state is Sovietized. Public policy is no longer empirical but subservient to green, diversity, equity, and inclusion dogmas—and detached from the reality of daily middle-class existence. Decline is ensured once ideology governs problem-solving rather than time-tested and successful policymaking.

All must wake up to the reality that those who pull the strings of culture are lying to you and that these string pullers consider you more akin to the Covid virus than creatures loved by God.

Read Professor Hanson’s complete column here.

Questions For California Courtesy Of Victor Davis Hanson
Questions For California Courtesy Of Victor Davis Hanson -- Noted scholar Victor Davis Hanson asks these questions regarding his home state of California:

Cell Phone Tracking Real And Effective

Cell Phone Tracking Real And Effective — You probably knew your cell phone had GPS and maybe knew it was accurate to within 30 feet.

Did you know that it also has magnetometer which means that it can sense magnetic fields like a compass; an accelerometer, which can measure changes in speed; an inclinometer, which can measure angles like a spirit-bubble level does; and an altimeter, which can provide altitude readings?

And that all these things are transmitted to the powers-that-be allowing your location to be even more accurately determined?

And that it three or four types of radios such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi constantly transmitting signals and revealing where you happen to be?

Note those radios are apart from the cell phone tower network transmitter.

The radios be used to find you via triangulation whether it be a cell tower or a Starbucks.

And that’s apart from GPS.

Did you know that law enforcement and spy agencies set up fake cell towers to better be able to find you?

Did you know that this tech is also used in smart-watches and late-model cars?

If your car has a dashboard indicator for tire pressure you are trackable.

What this means is that the GPS-based Geofencing used in Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules — sorry it looks like it’s no longer free — to expose massive vote fraud in 2020 is solid evidence and those saying otherwise are Gríma Wormtongues trying their best to gaslight.

CognitiveCarbon has an excellent summation of how our tech is used to track us on his Substack page.

And the de-Googled “patriot phones” don’t protect you.

Cell Phone Tracking Real And Effective
Cell Phone Tracking Real And Effective Cell Phone Tracking Real And Effective

Hansjörg Wyss Returns To The News

Hansjörg Wyss Returns To The News — Hansjörg Wyss, the reclusive Swiss billionaire and mega-donor to American Democrats, returned to the news this week when it was revealed that he was funneling millions to Democrat-supporting “nonprofits” to influence the midterm elections.

It was estimated that Wyss has funneled more than $253 million to Democratic candidates and related causes since 2016 — including efforts to impeach President Trump.

Hansjörg Wyss Returns To The News
Why, yes I love the poor. Preferably medium rare.

Wyss last graced this site in 2018 concerning a report that an investigation into an alleged 2011 sexual assault by Wyss was reopened by the Morris County (NJ) Prosecutor’s Office.

We contacted the office for an update and it was explained that it was decided in 2014 that the evidence in the case was insufficient for a prosecution. New evidence was obtained in 2017 but after review it was still considered insufficient and the case was never reopened.

Hansjörg Wyss Returns To The News

CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance

CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance — Tom C sent us this link regarding the Center for Disease Control’s buying cell phone data to determine lockdown compliance especially with regard to those in the Navajo Nation.

Yes, it’s true and has been tweeted about for several days.

Even the most pollyannaish normie should be concerned about those entrenched in our government and its affiliates.

CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance
CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance