Cell Phone Tracking Real And Effective — You probably knew your cell phone had GPS and maybe knew it was accurate to within 30 feet.
Did you know that it also has magnetometer which means that it can sense magnetic fields like a compass; an accelerometer, which can measure changes in speed; an inclinometer, which can measure angles like a spirit-bubble level does; and an altimeter, which can provide altitude readings?
And that all these things are transmitted to the powers-that-be allowing your location to be even more accurately determined?
And that it three or four types of radios such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi constantly transmitting signals and revealing where you happen to be?
Note those radios are apart from the cell phone tower network transmitter.
The radios be used to find you via triangulation whether it be a cell tower or a Starbucks.
And that’s apart from GPS.
Did you know that law enforcement and spy agencies set up fake cell towers to better be able to find you?
Did you know that this tech is also used in smart-watches and late-model cars?
If your car has a dashboard indicator for tire pressure you are trackable.
What this means is that the GPS-based Geofencing used in Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules — sorry it looks like it’s no longer free — to expose massive vote fraud in 2020 is solid evidence and those saying otherwise are Gríma Wormtongues trying their best to gaslight.
CognitiveCarbon has an excellent summation of how our tech is used to track us on his Substack page.
And the de-Googled “patriot phones” don’t protect you.