Election Day 2017 Voting Republican — Tomorrow, Nov. 7, is election day and as it is an off-year — no presidential or congressional races — expect a low turnout.
This just means your vote matters more. On the ballot in Pennsylvania are county officials, judges, school directors and municipal officials, along with a referendum that will allow school districts to exempt the property tax for homes.
We plan on voting yes on the referendum and a straight Republican ticket — sorry Dale. Locally, we are quite happy with taxes and services under Republican governance albeit that is definitely not the case for the state and federal level. We are especially a big fan of Margie Rovinski for the Region 5 Springfield School Board seat.
For the judges, it either a choice between a Republican or a Democrat and we certainly don’t want any more fashion-over-law Democrats on the bench.
Russ Diamond, a state representative for whom we have much respect, has a pretty good synopsis for state judicial elections here.