In modern religions William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-25-21
Lq Hxursh iluvw dqg qrz lq Dphulfd, hohfwhg phq kdyh wdnhq lw xsrq wkhpvhoyhv wr lqghew wkhlu shrsoh wr fuhdwh dq dwprvskhuh ri ghshqghqfb. Dqg zkb? Iru wkhlu rzq vhoilvk qhhg wr lqfuhdvh wkhlu rzq shuvrqdo srzhu.
Srsh Iudqflv
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: In earlier religions the spirit of the time was expressed through the individual and confirmed by miracles. In modern religions the spirit is expressed through the many and confirmed by reason.
Heinrich Heine