Infiltration Attack Can Certainly Happen In United States

Infiltration Attack Can Certainly Happen In United States — Today’s (Oct. 7) attack by Hama has killed hundreds of average Israeli citizens. It has also involved the abuse and kidnapping of many others including entire families.

The attackers were highly trained, and the attack well-planned and well-financed.

Wherever did they get that money?

You think it can’t happen here? The twit who somehow managed to become our leader has let at least 8 million illegals — most of whom are young men — unvetted into our country in the last three years.

Note the parts about “unvetted” and “young men”.

May you never have to see on the internet video of your abused daughter being dragged off in a vehicle to a place unknown.

Remember to vote Nov. 7 and vote against anyone who has ever been supported by George Soros, especially for district attorney or judge.

Infiltration Attack Can Certainly Happen In United States

Infiltration Attack Can Certainly Happen In United States

3 thoughts on “Infiltration Attack Can Certainly Happen In United States”

  1. I’ve been saying it’s only a matter of time until a Tet style offensive happens on the mainland.

    I hope and pray I am wrong.

    The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.

  2. Well, it already did happen, once before at least. September 11, 2001. That was an infiltration attack. We did not draw the necessary lessons.

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