We have gotten requests to provide write-in how-tos for other Pennsylvania counties in light of the GOP primary gubernatorial campaign of Bob Guzzardi.
Guzzardi is actually on the ballot in several counties due to the delay in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling on his campaign so if one is fortunate to live in one of those simply hit the button by his name.
If, however, you have to write in his name some machines such as the Danaher 1242 which is in use in Bucks, Delaware and Philadelphia counties require you to use a pen so make sure you bring one.
Others, including Montgomery County and parts of Chester County, use machines made by Election Systems & Software (ES&S) that allow the write-in name to be typed in via a keypad. In Montco’s case it is the Sequoia Advantage DRE that provides this feature while in Chesco it is the ES&S iVotronic.
Chester County’s website also list the use of the ES&S M100 Paper-Ballot Scanner System in which case a pen will be needed.
A tutorial on Montgomery County’s system — including the write-in process can be found here with the write-in description starting at 1:20.
A tutorial on the write-in procedure of the ES&S iVotronic can be found here.
A tutorial on the the ES&S M100 can be found here.
A tutorial on the Danaher 1242 can be found here.
If in doubt bring a pen on May 20.
Pennsylvania Voting Tutorial Write In for Bob Guzzardi
And here is a reprise of the explanation for Delaware County
The Pennsylvanian Supreme Court, May 1, threw Bob Guzzardi off the Republican gubernatorial primary ballot in a bizarre decision based on a picayune reading of the letter of the law that ignored the spirit of it.
It was hypocritical — dare we say corrupt? — in that if his opponent had made the same error it is unimaginable that he would have been thrown off.
Still Guzzardi has not ended his campaign. He remains on the ballot in several counties due to the delay in the court’s decision and votes for him on those ballots will count for him.
In the counties where he is not on the ballot — and this apparently includes Delaware County –he is asking for write in votes.
The write in votes are easy. In some counties the machines have keypads that allow you to type in the name.
In Delaware County, which uses the Danaher Shouptronic machine, you have to write in the name with a pen. Make sure you bring one. We plan to bring two, a ballpoint and a Sharpie just to make sure.
The name to write in is Bob Guzzardi.
The video below includes a demonstration as to how to do a write-in vote in Delaware County.