Property Tax Amendment On Nov. 7 Ballot — An amendment to Pennsylvania’s constitution will be up for approval, Nov. 7, that may make debate about a state-wide ban on school property tax moot if it should pass.
Ending the property tax as a means of funding schools has been on the legislative agenda since at least 2012. The bills have been called the Property Tax Independence Act and have had the number 76 in their name.
The amendment, sponsored by Rep. David Maloney (R-130), would change Article VIII of the state constitution to allow local taxing authorities to exclude from taxation an amount based on the assessed value of homestead property.
Existing law now caps the exclusion at 50 percent.
Implementation would require the General Assembly to pass enabling legislation to establish guidelines for local jurisdictions to follow if the amendment should pass.
This is an extremely confusing issue and can be very misleading as to the actual consequences if the ballot issue passes. I am in the process of obtaining clarification regarding the taxation consequences but NO ONE should think that this means that it means that 50-100% of the property taxes on a home will be removed. This is NOT the case.
This issue MUST be clarified and explained accurately before voters vote in November.