Delco Brags About Successful Recount — Delaware County (Pa) published on its website a release bragging about its “successful” election recount.
“Everything was verified 100 percent,” said Delaware County Director of Elections James Allen. “Every single vote, every single contest, every single over vote, every single under vote, every single write in.”
The article was published Feb. 1. Allen is referring to a hand recount held at Union Power Plant building in Chester on Jan. 12 which concerned ballots from the 3rd Precinct of Haverford’s 2nd Ward from the November election.
It was an agreement devised by Judge Barry Dozor and would be non-binding with the purpose of alleviating the suspicions of vote fraud for those who brought the matter before him.
On Feb. 14, Erich Speckin, one of the recount observers, released a report saying the event was not as successful as Allen implied.
Actually, it was highly flawed, Speckin says.
Speckin of Speckin Forensics, is one of the nation’s most respected experts in document analysis. He has testified in cases ranging from Hollywood to Big Oil.
Speckin says Allen prohibited photographing documents and that “the mail-in ballots were not secured in the process from the time they are opened from the envelopes and stored in plastic totes.”
He said the ballots were counted quickly akin to how one would count a deck of cards.
Most damningly, the ballots had different shading in the backgrounds and color of red. This would not have happened if the ballots came from the same printer in Albany, N.Y., as Allen claims.
“If the process of shifting ballots were slowed down or the ballots actually examined under magnification, further instances of printing process anomalies may be found,” Speckin said.
He recommends an examination of a broader sampling of mail-in ballots.
Speckin’s report was read into the record by Joy Schwartz at the Feb. 15 County Council meeting.
Hey Jim, it’s not the crime that catches you but the cover-up. If you still insist the election was fair and honest let Speckin observe using standard parameters. There is no downside in letting him examine the ballots as he wants and to his heart’s content.
Granted, if the election was not fair and honest there would be a downside, but that would only apply to you.